My browser was crashing everytime I load ch 35. But I found a way, I don't know whether it Will do to your browser or not, but I try to open ch 35, click it, and when it's loading I immediately open another new tab, wait until ch35 fully loaded than I turn off my internet (I try Twice and it Van be done without turning it off as long it's not loanding anymore). After that I came back to ch35's tab. It works for me, the point is speed of opening to another tab. Try it and tell me does it work? Or was I just lucky?
Haah.. why did I just read this now after a month this appeared in mangago. I'vee seen this title but I just dismiss it. I read Rookie but One-in-a-Million Actor first, the earlier chapter was talking about misforrune and how he change it for being someone else. And I search the if that has novel version in mangago, I can't find it but I find this exact tittle and only read the first chapter. Why did I thought this novel is the same as the previous webtoon. I even thought this page is only the re upload version with different name. I can see they the tittle and cover image was really different, but why did my brain think it was the same for 1 full month. I feel so stupid ( ̄へ ̄)
Can I edit or delete this? I re-read and find so many typo and even different sentence.
If anyone seen this, sorry for the typo, and I mean I searched novel version in novelupdate