Truck-kun desu :3's experience ( All 0 )

Truck-kun desu :3's answer ( All 9 )

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Picrewの「粗糙捏人」でつくったよ! #Picrew #粗糙捏人 Kinda went astray from the topic. This is my type of 2D men   reply
14 04,2021
It's not a saying but an insult, which is frequently used. "Son of a b*tch" Everyone keeps using that around me, and even in other countries. Like it has become such a "normal" word, that no one cares anymore. WELL NO, HELL NO, IF YOU HATE SOMEONE, LEAVE THEIR MOM ASIDE. I especially hate oppressing/wronging someone who has nothing to do with the p......   reply
23 02,2021
Why is mangago turning into Reddit or Quora? But a dirty/dumb version of them   reply
13 02,2021
Uhm.. same but... I have a really bad memory to the point that when i remember stuff it turns out not real, and that i maybe just dreamed of it or something. Idk how the f i remember stuff that never happened. Im scared LOL.   1 reply
16 12,2020
Teacher: Write this in your notebook. After 10 seconds. All my classmates asking me: WheRE arE WE gOnnA WRite tHIs? Teacher: Whoever finds the answer to this question will get a bonus point on test. Me: *remembers the answer cause i pay attention in class*, *raises hand* Boy next to me: YoU'Re gOnnA geT a FulL mARk oN THe TESt ANywAYs, GivE ME thE......   1 reply
16 12,2020

Truck-kun desu :3's question ( All 3 )

Aight im just here to complain cause i spent 1 hour reading some BL manga and it's 6 am right now, and i have school, but the ducking manga's uke wasnt actually an uke but a seme.
This always happens to me, Im going to cry. I feel so frustrated
Hate me all you want cause i hate my pickiness too.
(╯TД T)╯╧╧
16 04,2021
Bros we need to protest to get our rights as BL readers who want variety.
There may be many BL manhuas with action but it is totally rare in manhwas and mangas. THAT IS WHY WE NEED TO PROTEST.
We need Isekai yaoi, Adventure + yaoi, Anyways more serious stuff + yaoi.
What do you think?
16 12,2020
It's literally "fiction". Want me to define it?
SOmethinG iMAgInaRY thAt dOESNT eXisT.
Want me to define anime/manga/manhwa/manhua ?
DrAWinGS wiTH cOloURS. CoLOurEd LiNES. CurVED LiNES mADE iN a SHapE OF SOmethING KindA simiLAr to A human.
Well then Mangago community. Which are u?
Yaoi and all other genres are fiction.
Yaoi and all other genres are not fiction.
(except if they're purposely made to be realistic, but we can see that most aren't).
So stop hating on ppl who like incest, rape, omegaverse, gangrape, threesomes (and more), shota, psycho shit ...etc
I for example, hate a lot of genres, but i do respect others who do. YeT When i LIke soMETHing alL THey DO is HATE.
If u want to hate then go hate in pornhub and in hentai sites cause they're all rape, incest and etc.
Sometimes they're really incest. Go hate on real stuff and leave me alone to read my sinful content.
I know i'll get a lot of haters but HAH FEEL FREE, WHAT ARGUMENTS WILL YOU USE? I WONDER.
11 12,2020