Previous Emperor (long haired) was a yandere and killed MC's bio father and also attempted to kill (which later commited suicide) bio father's brothers, and stole bio father's lover (ML's mother) and also married his sister (the princess's mother) because he wants him to be isolated and depend on him??? So who is 2nd ML's mother??? What's uppp with the witch?? Does she have a power to produce a forbidden mpreg or something?

No, this is how it goes:
1) Prince Hessel Orpenster, the long haired blond guy (the ML's father) never got to be emperor: he died before ever getting to the throne (so, the emperor that the ML overthrew was his own grandfather, Hessel's father who outlived Hessel).
2) In his youth, the ML's father, prince Hessel Orpenster (the long haired blond guy) was just an imperial prince who was NOT supposed to ever be in line for the throne, because he had an older half-brother who was the current crown prince, and was supposed to be the next emperor. Hessel Orpenster was just a younger prince who fell inlove with Troy Langsher (the MC's bio uncle, who later in ended up raising the mc as if she was his own daughter).
3) Hessel wanted Troy Langsher for himself, so he secretly made it look like Troy's girldriend had betrayed him, in order to get them to break up. However, by this time Hessel's maternal uncle, Duke Retentor, had already forced Hessel to have a secret illegitimate child with someone else (that child was the 2nd ML).
4) Duke Retentor, wanted Hessel to become the next emperor. In order to do that, they needed to get rid of Hessel's older half-brother, who was next in line for the throne. So Duke Retentor forced Hessel to get rid of him by falsely framing both him and Troy Lansgher's eldest brother (the mc's bio dad) as traitors who had schemed against the empire.
4) To hide what they had done, prince Hessel killed Troy Langsher's eldest brother (the mc's bio dad), too, but made Troy Langsher also believe his older brother had indeed been plotting against the empire (though it was false). Troy Langsher thought Hessel had been the one who saved the rest of his family from being executed for treason along with the eldest brother, so he started acting as Hessel's "aid", and took Hessel's illegitimate son (the 2nd ML) under his wing.
5) After both Hessel's and Troy Lansgher's older brothers died falsely accused as "traitors", Hessel was able to replace his own older brother as the "new" crown prince (and next in line for the throne) while Troy Langsher married his own belated eldest brother's girlfriend, who was pregnant, in order to be able to pass his daughter (the MC) as his own child. Hessel in turn married Troy Langsher's "betrayer" ex girlfriend at some point, and they had a son of their own (the ML).
6) Troy Langsher, not knwoing what prince Hessel had done to his eldest brother, acted as his aide for years. Their respective children (the MC and the ML) met and played together as children.
7) Years later, one day, Troy Langsher FINALLY discovered what Hessel had done to his eldest brother, but Hessel attacked him in a fury. The 2nd ML killed Hessel to protect Troy, and Troy took the blame for it. Then Troy made the 2nd ML run away and take the kid ML with him.
8) Troy's older sister married the then emperor (Hessel's father) and they had a daughter, the baby princess, who is the mc's much younger maternal cousin.
9) The ML at some point reunited with Hessel's (his father's) old uncle, Duke Retentor, who was also his own great grand-uncle, and grew up believing the Langshers had betrayed and killed his father, prince Hessel.
10) The ML, fooled into thinking Troy Langsher had betrayed and killed his father (prince Hessel) out of sheer greed, spent years planning his revenge against Troy. With his grand-uncle, Duke Retentor's help, he faked another identity to be able to meet the MC again, become her fiance, and use her to secretly gather info against her (adoptive) father, Troy Langsher. But he fell inlove with the MC. Meanwhile, Troy Langsher knew exactly who he was and what he was plotting, yet he and his still-living brothers still decided to along with it, because they wanted to put an end to that endless series of tragedies.

Well, the fire that killed the Langshers was probably started by the 2nd ML, because in chapter 2 he explains he needs a fire in order to be able to fake Chloe's death: if he wanted to prevent people from finding out he had switched Chloe with the corpse of the *real* Marie Edante (who had already committed suicide), he needed the corpse to get damaged beyond recognition, and only a fire could do that (...now, whether the 2nd ML knew the Langsher brothers would take advantage of that fire to commit suicide, themselves, as well... that is something I don't know for sure).
As for how and why the 2nd ML rescued the child ML, after Hessel's death: we know the 2nd ML rescued the child ML because in chapter 16 the adult ML asks him why he did it, and we see a flashback where, at some known point after Hessel's murder, the 2nd ML was escaping while carrying the unconscious ML out of the Langsher house, only to actually bump into Troy Langsher while escaping... and that Troy Langsher let them go, ordering the 2nd ML never to return. To get the gist of what happened in the time between Hessel's death and that escape scene, we're given the flashbacks about it, at the end of chapter 22 and the beginning of chapter 23:
1) After the 2nd ML killed Hessel to save Troy Langsher, there was certainly chaos and while there were rumors, most people didn't know for sure who had killed Hessel at first. There was an investigation going, and most people thought it had to have been an assassin, or something. That's why the child ML who was Hessel's son (and who had come to the Langsher home with Hessel, on that day) had no reservations extending his stay at the Langsher house for months on end, after his father's murder, and even several months after finishing his father's funeral.
2) During the months that the child ML stayed with the Lanshers, after his father's death, Chloe's aunt, the 5th empress (who later was baby princess Sylvia's mother), was thinking of nothing else other than how to get rid of him... In chapter 22 there is a flashback where this aunt even says to her brother, Troy, that since the child ML had only been obssessively looking at Chloe during his own father's entire funeral, that was enough proof that that the child ML was dangerous because he would turn out just like his father: the type who obsessed over the person they liked to the point of being dangerous (the aunt believed that, just as Hessel, the boy's father, father had obsessed over her brother Troy, to the point of causing him harm, the same could end up happening between the boy and Chloe, later... *And REALLY, was that woman forseeing the future, or what*).
3) The aunt needed proof to show her brothers that she was right about the level of the child ML's obsession with their niece, so, in order to get that proof, she schemed to taunt the child ML to prove his "devotion for Chloe" by agreeing to drink poison. The child ML proved her right, and willingly drank it, but he survived it because the aunt had deliberately given him a non-lethal dose, since she hadn't been trying to kill him, she had just just wanted to have proof of the extent of the boy's obsession.
4) It is after this, that comes the flashback in chapter 1, where Chloe says the child Luke (the child ML) had begun acting "strange": the child ML wasn't allowed to see Chloe, and so he refused to eat, while the aunt told Chloe not to go see him because he was "sick"... and we can infer this scene happened months after the poison drinking scene, because now the aunt was already heavily pregnant with the unborn baby princess Sylvia.
5) Then comes the scene in chapter 16, where the 2nd ML sneaks the unconscious child ML out of the Langsher house, bumps into Troy Langsher, and Troy orders him to escape taking the child ML with him, never to return. In chapter 31, the 2nd ML confirms he has always served the ML bc Troy ORDERED him to do so.

Omg its amazing how your long explanation clarifies some parts of the manhwa that confused me. Its like your stitching the relevant parts to make a clear summary.
Thank you for taking the time to write this explnation! Your reading comprehension and your patience is amazing. Im sure you do very well in school and Im sure youll do well if youre going to make/write a research/dissertation paper in the future. Good luck to you!

I feel like Han Hari don't get paid enough for this... Then I remembered she got scammed by sir Yappee I'm shipping her more than the princess, their personality is so mismatched makes me feel like Barbie x Oppenheimer all over again. She's like 70% of the comedic relief of this story. Go Han Hari!!!

I was so exstatic about this being completed because when it first came out and only has 5 chapters, it took all my will and self control to stop reading and wait for it to be finished and read all in one go. It has a good plot and was looking forward to it's progress but then I just got to chapter 10 and WHAT DA FUK. Ohhhh nooo... I'm not a moral person. I read all kind of inhumane kinks out there. But why da FUK would you incorporate it here!!! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ the fuking rape here totally killed the story. There's a lot of other obstacles the author could have chosen for the characters to face and out of all things it was fuking rape!!! And those who thinks it was just a "little" rape was the most disgusting of all.

I don’t understand how that would ruin the story for you? It was the professor who raped the mc not the ml. Plus the professor got punished. Was the rape part needed? No. Is it something to get all dramatic about? No.
If chapter ten really bothered you, then why did you continue to read the story only to complain later?

Every story has a sort of hurdle the main character has to overcome. Judging from the title and the beginning of the story (until chapter 10), it was to fix the misunderstanding that he's not a sugar baby and the man he was with is his lover. And I guess to desparately attract more attention to this mahwa, the author decided to add a little more drama... Rape - which is disappointing since the plot has already a good foundation. And it was delivered in a stupid way. Are we just gonna forget that what mc did was cheating? He decided to get drunk in a home of a person he was attracted to. And I guess many fell for that trick, that putting it in few pages can make fools forget it later. If the rape in this story did not ruin the story for you then each to their own.
And no I didn't finish it only to complain about it later, I only got to chapter 10 and I have all I need to know it would be disgusting.

Then you are beyond stupid. Rape is never ok and can never be justified. But to say that the story is “disgusting” even though you haven’t even finished it, is childish. I sincerely hope you grow up. You didn’t even finish the story yet you feel you’re entitled to trash it.
The rape wasn’t needed and a different form of drama would’ve been much more appropriate. However, like I said, it’s NOT something to get all dramatic about.
If you had at least finished the story I would’ve had a little more respect for your argument. Doesn’t change the fact that I still think your being dramatic and childish, but at least you read the story enough to give it a proper rating. Instead you stop at chapter 10 and then trash it based off one scene. I don’t know if you thought saying you stopped at chapter 10 somehow made you look less stupid, but it doesn’t.
I understand your frustrations about the story but all you need to do is state your opinion. You didn’t need to trash the story.. especially based off ONE scene. My gosh.

You called me beyond stupid but all I can read in your response are contradicting statements. You say rape is never ok but it is also not dramatic?? What?? You agree that it was not appropriate in this story then the whole manhwa which is now centered on it is fine??? You understand my frustrations but I'm not allowed to express it?? You told me I should not have read it then complain later and now criticize me for not finishing?? What I did miss really??? That he got blackmailed and kept on getting sexually harassed? Or the gangrape retribution? Did my opinion really trashed this manhwa? That my evaluation of it in a pirated forum somehow destroyed it. And is it "entitlement" to express emotions nowadays? looks like to me you progress backwards. Was it really childish to drop a manhwa because it has a rape in it? And this is not an argument at all, because instead of justifying this manhwa by stating it's good points, you're just doing personal attacks. ┐(´ー`)┌ Honestly I was expecting some mention of redeeming points of this manhwa but I don't want to you to struggle so yeah, it's still disgusting and the last line of my original post still applies.

Just wanted to drop in and say rape happens in real life as well, I think the author wanted to be more realistic towards the problems? Rape is surely disgusting but dont you think things like this happens in real life too? I understand if you wanna drop the story because of that though, some people is extremely triggered by this kind of story :(

Did you really not read my comment? I said YOUR dramatic not that the rape was dramatic. You say that you didn’t trash it just bc you wanted to “state your opinion” but you call this manhwa disgusting? That is trashing it my dear. I contradict myself? No. Rape, like I said, I’d never ok and the rape wasn’t needed. However, it’s not something to get dramatic about. The rape was one scene and it wasn’t even important in the plot.
If the ML or the “seme” had raped the mc then they continued having a regular relationship, then ya I can understand how you’d be really against that. I would be too. But it was the professor and it wasn’t even an important scene. It was to add more drama to the story. It was a poor choice but your blowing it way out of proportion.
You say you can’t state your own opinion? What you did was complain after reading up to chapter ten. I never said your “opinion” but as invalid o just disagreed. YOU are the one who decided to argue further, and YOU are the one who decided to not respect my opinion. This isn’t a double standard dear. It should go both ways. It’s funny how you play victim in your arguments because you can’t handle someone having a different opinion from you.
In my first reply to you I just stated my own opinion to which you replied. Fine. But to people who agreed with me you attacked. What? Why are you so against people disagreeing with you? You said you excepted to have people disagreeing with you yet you can’t seem to handle it.
Your compression skills are lacking. Next time when you want to post your “opinion” make sure you can handle people disagreeing with you. Grow up.

Bro your responses are dull. They're the same to anyone who agrees with the first person who responded to you. You're in dire need of better responses. Here's a link I hope this helps - https://parade.com/1105374/marynliles/good-comebacks/

"well since the story revolved a lot around their difficulties as a gay couple, i find the rape part and all the other conflicts important to the “moral”(idk) of the story. im not saying that i like that part of the story but nevertheless i dont think this story is written to be cute and wholesome all the time. if you're more into stuff that don't show realistic problems but are more wholesome i would not reccomend this. but if a story that is equally wholesome and realistic in the sense that it shows all the problems and prejudice against same sex couples peaks your interest."
In your comment which I'm replying to, instead of complaining you should've just said you dropped it bc of the rape and dramatic stories don't interest you, or stories with rape just aren't interesting to you. Calling it disgusting and doing so after only reading up to chapter ten? Makes you look idiotic. Next time state your opinion. You maybe would've had more people agreeing with you if you hadn't posted this on the comments of this. If you had actually read this manhwa to the end you could see how your supposed "opinion" was actually incorrect and "beyond stupid" as someone said in a prier argument to you.

Your reply is like beating around the bush and re-worded copy of your previous message. 1. No mention of positive aspects of the manhwa. 2. Most if it are contradicting statements 3. How come the rape here is not an important aspect of the story? 4. I don't know where this came from but I never played victim and I don't really care if people agreed with me or not 5. And when did disrespected your opinion? You replied to my post and I replied back, your friend replied and I replied back, isn't that normal? It's your choice to feel offended and if this conversation made you feel attacked then maybe you're the immature one. Just a heads-up this is the world wide web you will meet people who does not care about your feelings. Judging my reading comprehension... Really?? Coming from someone who read the ENTIRE story but says that the rape here is not important aspect of it??? Ohhhh really fell for that tricked didn't you... You don't even understand the context and implications of your own responses. #micdrop btw... You seem to be really obsessed with my "disgusting comment", and it was first used on my original post to describe people who thinks of "little rape", well if the shoe fits, wear it.

It’s honestly hard to rely to any of your comments so this’ll be my last reply. You called the story disgusting in a reply to me. Rape is never ok but it’s not an important part of the story. How is that not getting through to you? I’m really struggling here to explain because I’ve already dumbed things down, but you still can’t understand. You read up to chapter ten how could you possibly argue against me and tell me I’m in the wrong? How would you know if the rape part was even significant in the story if you dropped it at only chapter ten? I have never contradicted myself. I said rape is a big deal but it’s not a big deal in the story. Is that why you say I contradict myself? This is why I said your comprehension skills lack. Rape is a big deal but it wasn’t graphic in the story. It was also handled tastefully. If the rape was graphic and caused a big impact in the story then I would consider that a “big deal” but it didn’t. The scene was not a big deal and at most was just uncomfortable. Many people skipped it bc they weren’t interested in reading that scene. Those are the same people who then had good ratings of the story because they finished it. If you had just skipped that scene instead of getting your panties in a twist then maybe you could enjoy the story. But that’s too much to expect from an immature individual such as yourself. You say my friend replied back…? When? I don’t believe any of my friends have an account. If someone agreeing with me makes them my friend then so be it ig lol. “I read the entire story yet I don’t think rape was a big part of it?” No shit. You said yourself that the plot was to prove the guy wasn’t a sugar daddy. It’s not a story about rape and like I said countless times, rape isn’t the plot and it wasn’t a big deal. It was to add drama. It was a poor choice but you acted dramatic about it. Saying you’d drop the story just because of it, acting like a child. You then in reply to one of my comments said that the story was disgusting. Don’t pretend you didn’t say it, because you did. Did I ever say I felt attacked by you? Don’t make me laugh. Your arguments are hardly anything to get upset about. In fact they are quite amusing. You’re the one who attacked other people who agreed with me. “This is a World Wide Web people won’t care about your feelings” ok, and? I called you stupid and dramatic yet you got offended by that did you not? Well news flash I don’t care. I suppose I could use the same argument towards you. I’m not sure where that sentence was even directed towards? I haven’t ever said that I was offended lol. Thanks for a laugh, the internet isn’t for you snow flake.

Are you implying I took the first paragraph from someone else? Are you stupid or blind? that's obvious I used "... do you not know how the English language works? Should I have said "-Taken from someone else" so you'd know for sure? I didn't realize you were THAT stupid. Though why'd I even try to give you the benefit of the doubt. I guess it's my fault to expect you to have any working brain cells. I hope you recover from your brain damage.
I'm low-key shipping Siege and Barry...
Who am I kidding I'm high-key shipping them
I'm sailing that ship too~
But I don't mind Seige x Ellie too.
Silver hair x Pink/Colar hair is quite the popular trope afterall