Mochi <333 July 14, 2021 9:52 am

Does anyone have any short semes with buff tall ukes? Something fluffy no rape and something consent. Sankyu :D(≧∀≦)

HolyBleach December 31, 2020 5:22 am

I am (Characters Name). As a kid, I always smiled, but now every time I reminisce, I think I've been nothing but a burden. My mom has always tried her hardest to have a place for me and my younger sister. This is how everything went; My mom tried to abort me (kill me by drinking smoking and such) because i'm the reason why he left her. So she went to America to make me have a much better life. She went to live with my aunt, she smokes but my mom got kicked out because it's supposedly drugs. Then she went to live with my other aunt. It was fun but TERRIBLE. Iliterally got touched by my older cousins who babysitted me. I didnt tell her but the same happened as what happened to my mom at my other aunts house. Then she went my stepdad and his family. She did the laundry, food, basically everything. But we moved out of there as soon as his sister (my stepaunt) said she fucked him because she was provoked. It was the opposite with my dad. So then we went to live with my mom's closest friend. We spent lots of fun there, but then they had to move to big bear. They gave us money so we could be in a hotel. My mom didn't have a job and payed a lot for my kindergarten material and food and rent. I loved my school. For my birthday they gave us money because they knew the situation my mom me and my younger sister were in.. At some point we were gonna be homeless, however My stepdad got called by my mom and she told him we needed money. Turns out my stepdadhad tried to move out and succeeded, he just didn't know how to face my mom. We lived in a super small apartment. Despite that I thought it was warm and comfy. I felt really happy, but I had to move away from my friends ( basically in my kindergarten I had only one friend, but right in this school i made a few.) Now here I am. As the oldest child people would think thats great. Personally I think not but being the only child. I cant help but bottle up my emotions. I tried to kill myself so many times as a child. I even got sent to an psychiatrist at the age of 3 by my aunt. Somewhat I wish I could die now and erase the pain of people. I think that it'd be best.

This is my actual life. Now I am 13 with an uncurable longingness in hopes of death.

    UwUbitch December 31, 2020 5:39 am

    I'm so sorry you had to through that in your life this might be weird to offer but I'm a 16 year old girl who would be willing to listen if you want to talk you don't have to accept but i have instagram and am reachable on there if you want to talk to me it could be about manga or anime or even just about your day we can be friends if you want my username is abby04p

    UM MA’AM December 31, 2020 8:32 am

    Babe don’t be sucidle pls trust me I’ve dealt with that to I’ve always put a fake smile on and jus act as if I’m perfect cause that’s what my family wants and I’m so sucidle and depressed I cover my pain with a smile so pls don’t end your life I’m 13 as well because you will feel loved I promise so be patient friend I’ll be there for you promise and ik where online and we may never meet but jus know If we did meet in real life I would run to you and hug you and give you all my love not sex lmaoo but yk

    UM MA’AM December 31, 2020 8:48 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Rey07

    Tf when did I bring sum sexual I jus wanted to help

    UM MA’AM December 31, 2020 9:02 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Rey07

    I’m still in middle school I’m sorry and I’m a girl what I meant was I would hug you because I wante to be there for u as for as a friend

    UM MA’AM December 31, 2020 9:03 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Rey07

    Omg wtf first I only said that cause I was bored and wanted a change to see if I liked those things dw I’m not into them I jus wanted to see what people had interest in and also don’t make this into a big deal like shit the poor person jus wanted advice and people to be there for them you don’t need to make a big deal

    UM MA’AM December 31, 2020 11:15 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Rey07

    Lmao thank you lowkey have never seemed or heard a middle school act so mature it’s nice having sum people like you here Also yes it was my fault mostly because I never really explained what I meant so Yk begin with i may have started this fight I’m sorry also jus to make clear for others if they read these comment what I meant by I would run to you and hug you and give you all my love I meant by that like come to you and yk you can have a shoulder to cry to and I would listen to your problems and help you because from what I heard from that girl story that she never like had comfort or something because I usually do that to my best friend because she was abused by a lot of people so that’s why so it’s basically my fault that I never explain it also thank you and goodbye ha ha

HolyBleach December 24, 2020 6:15 am

there is one where the alpha is the bottom. Are there any more like that? Or the top being shorter than the bottom?

Sugamama December 18, 2020 3:40 am

I think gay couples are looked at too weirdly. I mean irl not in mangas. Im pansexual. I had a gf when I was twelve (4 years ago) and my friends or the whole grade didnt seem bothered. They congradulated us and wanted to see us kiss. It was like a big ceremony. But when its two boys people look at them weirdly. Am I wrong? Because its like that for me, i see it that way. And ive never really seem to see any gay couples. :( Ik gay couples have hard times trying to get accepted. But it seems like girlxgirl couples dont? I really want to know if im wrong? Its my opinion but I really want to know.

    t8nt3d December 18, 2020 3:46 am

    Two words: toxic masculinity.

    Pandix December 18, 2020 3:51 am

    They both have it hard mlm and wlw it’s only difference is that straight men fetishize lesbians all the time but hate gay guys a lot and same goes for women but people who are in love w same sex are normal they’re not weird, strange or anything out of the ordinary, Christians often believe that being gay is a sin and it’s not I’m Christian and I know that it’s not it was just a mistranslation and if you think otherwise then idk what to think about you

    bloom December 18, 2020 3:57 am

    I'm glad you didnt have to go through something horrible when you had a gf but most of time, people around us are not really accepting of same sex relationships. Be it two females or two males, its frowned upon

    bah-hah ❤ December 18, 2020 4:19 am

    double fucking standards

Sugamama December 15, 2020 8:26 pm

I searched and it aint there. Nor in my bookmark. Did they take it off? Im confused.

    David December 15, 2020 8:33 pm

    Do you mean My X Report? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Sugamama December 15, 2020 8:35 pm

    Oh. Lol im stupid thanks

Sugamama December 14, 2020 2:08 pm

Can i get recommended some yaoi mangas? I want fluff and scenes with consent, and a good plot. Thanks if you have any ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Sugamama December 4, 2020 10:05 am

I need help finding this manga. I read it and it was about a boy who wore no undies and another guy found out and took a picture of the dude. The seme is the one taking pictures. It's been almost 2 months since I last read it.

EgotisticHuman November 10, 2020 8:06 pm

I think straight couples are gross. I mean in mangas not actual people. I wish I was a boy so I could be gay. Im bi but i said if im gonna be a girl ill like girls. If im a boy, ill like boys. I wonder if anyone suffers like me. I think yaoi made me a new person. But I hope no one got offended. I just wanna know if anyone feels the same.

    plagueee7 November 10, 2020 8:11 pm

    no. that’s real weird. take a break from yaoi for a sec and cool yer head. idolizing yaoi/mlm relationships is fetishization, even if it’s only in manga. it’s the mindset that matters.

    foreverfujoshi November 10, 2020 8:19 pm

    You read too much manga that you are now confusing real world and fantasy. I suggest you take a break, maybe read other books like Harry Potter

    Gunny November 10, 2020 8:24 pm

    I agree with the other comments and I understand cause I used to be like that but I came to a realization and I still like reading bl but I started to enjoy reading shoujo romance aswell lol

    diadia November 10, 2020 8:37 pm

    wow there..I agree with the other comments saying that u should take a break from just reading yaois. what u read on here is all just fantasy and should not be compared to real world gay relationships.

    pleasenoohgodno November 10, 2020 8:41 pm

    I do understand that mindset from a personal level as well, but it's definitely not healthy. It's gonna subtly bleed over into your real life perception, and it'll make a lot of media unenjoyable for you. I think for me at least, a lot of this mindset comes from subconsciously wanting to be different: to be a guy in love with a guy or a girl in love with a girl. But you don't want to end up hating yourself for falling in love with the opposite gender or feel like you're just following the steps of anyone and everyone else doing the regular hetero-normative thing.

    Do follow the above advice and take a break for about a week. Don't touch Mangago. I would stay away from stories, whether fanfiction or actual books, themselves for a while to avoid doing some of the things that are instinct, like shipping two cool guy characters together or feeling uneasy about a girlfriend of a guy character immediately. You'll probably find yourself with a lot of time on your hands. Pick up something: clear off the junk on your desk, hit up an old friend from middle school on FB, paint your nails as perfectly as possible. Stretch for 5 minutes. Watch something on YouTube or Twitch or go for a walk around your neighborhood. I went out for the first time in weeks just to take a walk around in the evening, and it felt really good. I was getting really comfy and nostalgic.

    Try to get yourself more comfortable with hetero relationships again when you get back from that. Maybe read really wholesome or fulfilling stories or maybe go watch a couple that you know is in a really healthy and fun relationship on YT or Twitch. Ask for recs if you need it; people will definitely help you out with this type of shit.

    foreverfujoshi November 11, 2020 1:57 am

    Read Solo Leveling, shounen manga, or any other mangas that dont have much romance in it. It would be really refreshing

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