Does anyone have any short semes with buff tall ukes? Something fluffy no rape and something consent. Sankyu :D(≧∀≦)
Smaller seme x bigger uke list, no rape there too yehh
I am (Characters Name). As a kid, I always smiled, but now every time I reminisce, I think I've been nothing but a burden. My mom has always tried her hardest to have a place for me and my younger sister. This is how everything went; My mom tried to abort me (kill me by drinking smoking and such) because i'm the reason why he left her. So she went to America to make me have a much better life. She went to live with my aunt, she smokes but my mom got kicked out because it's supposedly drugs. Then she went to live with my other aunt. It was fun but TERRIBLE. Iliterally got touched by my older cousins who babysitted me. I didnt tell her but the same happened as what happened to my mom at my other aunts house. Then she went my stepdad and his family. She did the laundry, food, basically everything. But we moved out of there as soon as his sister (my stepaunt) said she fucked him because she was provoked. It was the opposite with my dad. So then we went to live with my mom's closest friend. We spent lots of fun there, but then they had to move to big bear. They gave us money so we could be in a hotel. My mom didn't have a job and payed a lot for my kindergarten material and food and rent. I loved my school. For my birthday they gave us money because they knew the situation my mom me and my younger sister were in.. At some point we were gonna be homeless, however My stepdad got called by my mom and she told him we needed money. Turns out my stepdadhad tried to move out and succeeded, he just didn't know how to face my mom. We lived in a super small apartment. Despite that I thought it was warm and comfy. I felt really happy, but I had to move away from my friends ( basically in my kindergarten I had only one friend, but right in this school i made a few.) Now here I am. As the oldest child people would think thats great. Personally I think not but being the only child. I cant help but bottle up my emotions. I tried to kill myself so many times as a child. I even got sent to an psychiatrist at the age of 3 by my aunt. Somewhat I wish I could die now and erase the pain of people. I think that it'd be best.
This is my actual life. Now I am 13 with an uncurable longingness in hopes of death.
I'm so sorry you had to through that in your life this might be weird to offer but I'm a 16 year old girl who would be willing to listen if you want to talk you don't have to accept but i have instagram and am reachable on there if you want to talk to me it could be about manga or anime or even just about your day we can be friends if you want my username is abby04p
Babe don’t be sucidle pls trust me I’ve dealt with that to I’ve always put a fake smile on and jus act as if I’m perfect cause that’s what my family wants and I’m so sucidle and depressed I cover my pain with a smile so pls don’t end your life I’m 13 as well because you will feel loved I promise so be patient friend I’ll be there for you promise and ik where online and we may never meet but jus know If we did meet in real life I would run to you and hug you and give you all my love not sex lmaoo but yk
Omg wtf first I only said that cause I was bored and wanted a change to see if I liked those things dw I’m not into them I jus wanted to see what people had interest in and also don’t make this into a big deal like shit the poor person jus wanted advice and people to be there for them you don’t need to make a big deal
Lmao thank you lowkey have never seemed or heard a middle school act so mature it’s nice having sum people like you here Also yes it was my fault mostly because I never really explained what I meant so Yk begin with i may have started this fight I’m sorry also jus to make clear for others if they read these comment what I meant by I would run to you and hug you and give you all my love I meant by that like come to you and yk you can have a shoulder to cry to and I would listen to your problems and help you because from what I heard from that girl story that she never like had comfort or something because I usually do that to my best friend because she was abused by a lot of people so that’s why so it’s basically my fault that I never explain it also thank you and goodbye ha ha
ok, if cain is crazy tho ill drop this manga. im on team cain for now. but if he does do something bad, bye-. im probably not the only one who thinks this way.