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Yaoi/shounen ai reccomemdations(14) 2016-04-08 0
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OverlySyched January 25, 2015 2:29 am

I wish the manga continued to at least when he entered university so i can see how the girl would act instead of imagining it. I really enjoyed this, i liked both of the characters a lot.

OverlyPsyched's questions ( All 13 )

OverlyPsyched April 10, 2016 1:21 am

Hey so I'm looking for webtoons similar to Black Haze, Gosu, and Red Storm. I love it when the MC is op. I've read Noblesse and most of the more popular ones. Thanks in advance! ヾ(☆▽☆)

OverlyPsyched November 4, 2015 5:33 am

i believe it starts with a guy picking up a kid whose parents had abandoned him. few years later the kid realizes he loves the older seme, however the seme's friend comes into the picture, telling the kid off. the kid, heartbroken, starts staying out and when he meets the seme outside coincidentally outside, they broke break down crying expressing there love. sorry i dont really remember the specific details.

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