kyouran May 3, 2018 9:59 pm

Fuck, what a sucker punch! (/TДT)/

kyouran April 23, 2018 4:55 am

Everything was awesome, until Victor proposed to be invited next time...WTF!
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ (≧∀≦)

    Yuki April 23, 2018 5:59 am

    How is that bad? that like the cherry on top! to bad he was only jking XDD

    kyouran April 23, 2018 10:41 pm
    How is that bad? that like the cherry on top! to bad he was only jking XDD Yuki

    Is bad for purist romanticists like me that don't like more than two people sailing in their favorite ships. I enjoy threesomes in my Yaoi, just not in my romantic couples that have been established, or in the case of YOI, implied to be, by canon as monogamous. No biggie, just a matter of personal preference (▰˘◡˘▰)

    ❁❁❁ Kristi ❁❁❁ April 24, 2018 1:36 am
    Is bad for purist romanticists like me that don't like more than two people sailing in their favorite ships. I enjoy threesomes in my Yaoi, just not in my romantic couples that have been established, or in the ... kyouran

    Ι feel exactly the same way you do.I can say that I almost never like threesomes (unless it's purely sexual and even then I'm not really a fan),but in this case it was just a mere joke.Also,he got rejected ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ so it didn't bother me at all.

    Akurahevol April 24, 2018 5:01 am

    SAME. I was like get tf outta here, get your own yuri.

kyouran February 28, 2018 5:15 am

Yaoi Sutra (≧∀≦)

kyouran February 3, 2018 6:05 pm

I can't...I just can't anymore. I'm not exaggerating when I say it has been yeeeeeeaaaaars. I don't get it..why? why? microscopic chapters published a couple of times a year.....smh

kyouran February 3, 2018 6:01 pm

Finally! Hot, is a Tuna supposed to act? If my life depended on acting like a Tuna I'd most definitely die 'cause I'd have no idea how to go about it.... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Junki February 4, 2018 5:50 pm

    means "dead fish". He was saying don't do anything and let seme take the lead. Just lie down like a dead person and enjoy

    kyouran February 6, 2018 2:58 am
    means "dead fish". He was saying don't do anything and let seme take the lead. Just lie down like a dead person and enjoy Junki

    Thank you for the clarification! (●'◡'●)ノ

    hellsbellsitslexi February 7, 2018 7:30 pm

    Lol. I was gonna ask the same thing. What's with the tuna? Haha. Thanks @junki for explaining.

    Junki February 8, 2018 1:55 pm

    It can also have negative meaning if the speaker is insulting someone. Tuna or dead fishes are associated with virgins as they won't know what to do during their first time.

kyouran January 17, 2018 7:40 pm

They all are so dysfunctional, but so fucking cool! LOL! No wonder Tatsuyuki is such a cool character, with such a boss for a mom! (≧∀≦)

kyouran January 17, 2018 7:01 pm

(╯°Д °)╯╧╧.....really? the chapter ends right on the verge of the kiss (and hopefully fucking) we've been waiting for since the first coming of Jesus?

kyouran January 4, 2018 12:26 am


He brutally rapes her in chapter 307, as part of his revenge against her family and because of jealousy because she was about to marry her childhood sweetheart. I was shocked, because it wasn't framed in the fictional ravishment trope that is typical in the romance genre; the rape was framed in the context of real life brutality and it broke my heart - when you see her expression and the bruises on her body you'll know what I mean. I'm not sure I can continue following this because since this is a shojo manhua, it is highly likely she will end up forgiving him and they will end up together, and after that brutal scene I just wouldn't be able to buy it. A shame, a real shame, I was really into their relationship. (︶︿︶)

You can check the raws here:

    Amnesia's Heroine January 4, 2018 9:51 am

    (╯°Д °)╯ I mean I was rooting for that dude (the guy with the black hair, who I assume your talking about) and her to get together, but I just give up now. Like raping her is to far for me

    CrystalAris January 4, 2018 12:00 pm

    wait.. I thought he all ready did after that party.....

    CrystalAris January 4, 2018 12:06 pm

    or was that her ex first and then him...

    I kinda got pissed when that happened but it happens again!?! ugh!

    Cerealgirl January 4, 2018 9:02 pm

    AND this is why my new years resolution is to stear clear from anything light novel related.

    They should just go ahead and declare shoujo as a sub genre of fantasy. Kinda am sick of the genre. It's so unrealistic in a bad way. Its like the writers have this itch to add over the top melodrama, it ruins everything for me.

    SangwooWyd January 4, 2018 9:31 pm

    hE dOeSnT hAvE seX wiTh pEoPlE withOuT ThEiR CoNsEnt ---said his friends. Bitch, then wtf did he just do to her

    BagelasinRS January 5, 2018 1:57 am

    How can anyone just root for him ! He hit her with his car beside all other horrendous acts ! I can't even believe or understand how the MC became so pathetic and begged for his love while cutting her hand ??! Like seriously ?! This manga is messed up !! The MC herself believes that if her virginity is not intact nobody would marry her ... Pathetic ... I thought they'll give some reason behind his actions ( even that would not be enough ) but how can you reason him going around impregnating girls ?? .. ughhhh

    Yuki January 6, 2018 6:34 pm

    You are ruining the story.Its not like dat Ao tian yu never thought of revenge but he has a lot of possesiveness for Yaoyao.
    He felt very bad wen yao yao totally blamed him n didnot trust him.
    He has a very bad temper but he still tries to protect her in his own way.

    Asher1529 January 6, 2018 7:30 pm

    if i read correctly, it continued on for three days. if she still falls in love with ao tian, then i don't know what to say ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    TOMBOY January 8, 2018 5:43 pm

    yeah i read it all on yt but the translation was kinda bad but i cant make up my mind if i want to ship with aotian yu or chenyi feng . I for some reason don't hate him for raping her. but i don't really agree either, he did it out of jealousy and i think he honestly does love her but i just wanna see what life would look like if she ended up with each like and aotian yu route and a chenyi feng route

    BL_F@NGIRL January 15, 2018 7:53 am
    yeah i read it all on yt but the translation was kinda bad but i cant make up my mind if i want to ship with aotian yu or chenyi feng . I for some reason don't hate him for raping her. but i don't really agree ... TOMBOY

    To understand your logic you believe that jealousy is an excuse to rape someone, and because they say they love them that it's forgivable... fantasy or not please be realistic in no way shape or form does love equate to rape... that is not love but a sick form a possessiveness please don't get the two confused... The fact that he often intentionally hurt her proves he doesn't know what love is, and if she excepts that, that only proves how broken she is... Lets not equate this kind of behavior with love... and then to even want them to end up together, just how twisted do you have to be... I really don't get people sometime... Let alone how this can be classified as romance... urg smfh

    BagelasinRS January 15, 2018 6:49 pm
    To understand your logic you believe that jealousy is an excuse to rape someone, and because they say they love them that it's forgivable... fantasy or not please be realistic in no way shape or form does love ... BL_F@NGIRL

    Yeah ! I feel like this is some kind of obsession bordering on violence thing ! Totally wack if you ask me ! ( ̄へ ̄)

    CrystalAris January 15, 2018 8:12 pm

    .. and he wonders why she doesn't want to stay...

    ... not that the other guy is any better... ... ...

    ... don't know if she got a child from it.... but other guy (I'm sure) wouldn't let her, but this isn't Harlequin manga....

    ... but on the other hand/// it just keeps getting twis.... er I mean "better"

kyouran November 20, 2017 1:51 am

I have to agree with the general consensus of my fellow Fujoshis that this ending was rushed. I mean, the supernatural aspect of the story, the body swap, which undoubtedly was one of the (if not THE) central element of the plot, was never addressed ever again or the fact Tae Min experienced several of Siwon's memories when he first met Joo Hoon. I guess it was as much a mystery to both Tae Min and Woo Jin as it was to us and will remain perpetually so, unless the manhwaga decides to draw/write a side story explaining, but I doubt it. However, that doesn't take away from the awesomeness of the story. For those that were a bit confused about the overall plot, it all amounts to this:

Woo Jin was the bastard son of a rich heir who was already married and already had a son. Woojin's father wanted nothing to do with Woo Jin and his mother, and this is why he abandoned them in the slums. Woo Jin's mom may have been suffering from mental problems (some sort of untreated bipolar disorder) or may just have been straight out abusive towards Woo Jin. Again, her abusiveness may have been rooted in mental illness or emotionality/bitterness from being abandoned by Woo Jin's father, or a combination of both, but...who knows. The thing is that she physically and verbally abused Woo Jin. This is why Woo Jin became so emotionally attached (more like fixated) to Tae Min, because he was the only person that stood up **and** cared for him; also, they were both abused children so they had that in common. For Tae Min, at first, Woo Jin's hero worship was definitely a boost to his ego, but soon they ended up forming a very deep emotional bond. I would argue they fell in love - as much as children can fall in love - but they definitely formed a singularly emotional connection.

Woo Jin was extremely affected the time when Tae Min tried to rescue him and got hit on the head with a bottle by Woo Jin's mom. It was a pivotal/traumatizing experience for Woo Jin because he realized Tae Min could've died, and he was completely helpless to protect Tae Min. He became obsessed with the idea of becoming strong to be able to protect the only human being he cared about because he felt that he had *nothing**, that he was powerless and he needed the power to protect Tae Min.

That's when the opportunity presented itself. When the legitimate son of Woo Jin's father became terminally ill, Woo Jin's rich father decided to look for Woo Jin and bring him in as a substitute for his legitimate son, Siwoon. Woo Jin accepted for the sole purpose of becoming strong, of obtaining the necessary power to protect Tae Min. Woo Jin was then taken away, along with his mother who was committed to a mental institution, to be trained to replace Siwoon and become the heir to the family's empire. Tae Min is heartbroken upon Woo Jin's disappearance from the slums and feels betrayed because he feels Woo Jin abandoned him and he carries that resentment with him as he grows up, which is the main emotional hurdle that stops him opening up to Woo Jin when they reunite. So Tae Min grows up in the slums, bravely facing the injustices of the world and all his problems with unwavering idealism, optimism, and stalwart ethicality; up until the moment of the accident when, inexplicably, Tae Min's and Si Won's souls swap, where we can infer Siwon dies inside of Tae Min's body.

We now know that Siwon's younger twin brother, Jiwook, grew up with an inferiority complex because of Siwon's overachieving nature, feeling that everyone that meets the both of them, end up comparing the twins, admiring Siwon and dismissing Jiwook as the inferior of the two. Jiwook starts acting up, trying to desperately differentiate himself from his brother, hanging around a bad crowd where he ends up meeting Joo Hoon, a sort of street thug leader with a larger than life personality, who becomes intrigued by Ji Wook's dichotomy, or better said, contradicting nature of bravado and low self-esteem despite Jiwook's social privileged status; not to mention that we can infer Jiwook was sexually inexperienced/innocent, which is something that Joo Hoon also found very appealing. Jiwook is overwhelmed by Joo Hoon's attention; it is definitely a balm to his ego; that such a larger than life person would be so interested in **him**, and that has Jiwook in cloud nine:

until the moment, when driven by concern, Siwon follows Jiwook, precipitating an encounter with Joo Hoon. That first meeting between Siwon and Joo Hoon is critical, it is what drives Jiwook over the edge because he notices that Joo Hoon starts looking at Siwon with interest and he feels that Joo Hoon will stop being interested in him and become interested in Siwon instead. He felt that Siwon was going to replace him, to take away Joo Hoon like he'd "taken away" everything else from Jiwook (according to Jiwook's warped perspective, of course).

So, in an attempt to stop that from happening, Jiwook schemes and tricks both Siwon and Joo Hoon. In order to provoke Joo Hoon's wrath, Jiwook damages a photograph that Joo Hoon always carries in his wallet. A photograph that Joo Hoon is known to treasure, and that in the past Joo Hoon had badly beaten others who had been curious about it. When Joo Hoon finds out Jiwook damaged his treasured photograph he starts looking for him. Jiwook then tells Siwon Joo Hoon is bullying and blackmailing him, and tricks Siwon in facing Joo Hoon in Jiwook's stead. That is why Joo Hoon is surprised when Siwon arrives instead of Jiwook.

Joohon then sends Jiwook the video of Siwon's rape and Jiwook circulates it around the school. When Siwon asks Jiwook for help, Jiwook finally shows his brother his true face, the contempt he feels for him, which is what pushes Siwon to commit suicide. After Siwon's suicide, Jiwook never sees Joo Hoon again, until the events in present time, where we find out that Woo Jin, behind the scenes, got Joo Hoon to work for him and help him set up Jiwook where he finally confesses his dastardly deeds in the final chapters.

Even though there is that major unresolved plot hole regarding the body swap, this is definitely a GRADE A manwha; a beautiful and emotional love story that effectively explored relevant social issues that affect youths and families, issues such as the pernicious effects that poverty has on family dynamics and child development; child abuse, alcoholism, untreated mental illnesses, bullying in the streets, bullying at school, peer pressure, conformism, etc. Another important issue is middle-class and upper-class family dynamics, the effects of social posturing, how truly frivolous upper-class environments can be, how the affluent are more preoccupied with image and social standing than human connection, and how it affects the children raised under such shallow conditions, creating more shallow affluent individuals; which has a detrimental effect in the social and economic fabric of nations, because unfortunately, it is these individuals that hold the political and economic power; they are the ones that control the laws that impact the working poor; and what can we expect from shallow, apathetic people that are raised without emotional connection, without appreciating human warmth, alienated from the concept of communities, raised to only value material possessions and social standing? Not much, which is why the world is what it is and will continue to be plagued by extreme poverty and gross income inequality....but I digress.

And also, a very important issue, one that is neglected by the social sciences is the issue of parental favoritism. Even though Woojik's behavior is inexcusable, there is a valid argument to make on how parental favoritism towards a child, and the subsequent indifference or lack of awareness of towards their other child(ren), can detrimentally affect the psychological development of both the favored and neglected child. I know that it could be argued that Siwon's and Jiwook's parents shouldn't be blamed for Jiwook's spiraling low self-esteem; however, I would confidently counter argue that emotionally loving, involved and supportive parents would have helped Jiwook identify and develop his own unique strengths, and instead of developing an inferiority complex and resentment towards his brother, he would have grown up a well-rounded individual, a confident individual, loving and proud of both his and his brother's different achievements; so in that sense, I do believe parents have a major responsibility AND influence on the character formation of their children.

Finally, Tae Min's and Woo Jin's emotional bond, love story, is especially compelling because, at the end, they are only able to retain their sense of self, their identities because of each other; because without the other, Woo Jin AND Tae Min would truly disappear, since there wouldn't be any other human being that would "know" who they truly are; they would essentially become Han Si Won or Si Woon. That is what the last scene alludes to. Woojin's flashback where his half-brother (the real Siwoon) tells him that the one that will "die", the one that will disappear is Woo Jin, because Siwoon's identity would live on through him, and Woo Jin telling him that it doesn't matter because he's doing it for Tae Min, that flasback scene is Woo Jin recognizing his triumph, that his sacrifices and dreams had all come to fruition and that he had ultimately defeated everyone that had hurt both him and Tae Min. Woo Jin was able to obtain the power to protect Tae Min without "killing" himself, without having his identity erased, without losing his sense of self because he had by his side the one human being that could validate him, and who Woo Jin could validate in return; the only human being Woo Jin loved and who loved him back with the same intensity, his Tae Min.

Amazing story, beautiful, just beautiful. I say to the manhwaga , BRAVO, BRAVA, BRAVISSIMA!! (/TДT)/ ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    doomsday November 20, 2017 4:15 am

    Wow amazing! You've summed it up beautifully. This is exactly why What Lies at the End easily lands a spot in one of my favorites. The depth of the story and the characters is reaaallllly gooood. Although it is one long summary I finished it because this exactly what i feel for the story and damn this story is a MASTERPIECE, albeit the ending was rushed. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Joyeshaa November 20, 2017 8:25 pm

    I was here trying to explain the plot to some readers who didn't understand, but you took responsibility. This is pretty much everything. You put it all in order with extra explanation.... Wow.
    I am so happy also that you mentioned woojin and taemin's bond. That they obly exist truly with each other and yeah no one else knows the real them, but them. I, too, said this before.. It's the most important point for me.

    JunkiReader November 20, 2017 11:07 pm
    Pokemoon November 21, 2017 5:33 am

    So beautifully put ╥﹏╥

    Joyeshaa November 22, 2017 4:44 pm
    Here, read this and pretend that this manga kept going. JunkiReader

    Oh is this a new chapter? I can't read the language but it looks nice

    Nya November 22, 2017 5:46 pm

    Oh My God! I need a "love" button to this comment.
    I've seen people all around internet complaining about the "crappy ending" this story had, but I believe that, instead of a hot, explicit scene (like most yaoi mangas have) this one is more about the whole meaning of the plot itself and, if one can't see beyond the "drawings" and analyse it consciously, they of course won't understand it.
    I still have some questions, and the author herself said that the ending was rushed and that it was her first work, but I think she made it really awesome and I'm hoping to see in the extras the answers to those questions (like, an explanation to Taemin and Siwon's change of bodies; what happened to Minjun and Hoon; who is the one in Joohoon's precious photo; what happened to Taemin's parents, etc.), but this story is still my number one favourite manga of all times and I hardly believe there is going to be another one to take its place (⌒▽⌒)

    JunkiReader November 22, 2017 9:22 pm
    Oh is this a new chapter? I can't read the language but it looks nice Joyeshaa

    It's one of the extras!

kyouran September 13, 2017 12:30 am

OMG!! the feels the feels the feels the feels (/TДT)/
I can't can't can't stop cryyyyying! Very few mangas have affected me as this one has! The Yaoi Gods have blessed us with such a perfect closure, with a happy ending, one that is especially emotionally satisfying for me, after a commentary I wrote at the beginning of this year when I first read Episode 0. This last chapter is a validation of my thoughts regarding Kyouseke's and Ito-san's love for one another, and how no matter what, they will always find each other. I love them soooooo much!!!

PS. below is my past commentary, which the Yaoi Gods have deemed to validate with this perfect episode... thank you thank you thank you(/TДT)/

kyouran February 2, 2017 10:51 pm

So, like everyone else, I was brokenhearted when I first read Itou-san, and continued to be throughout the hundreds and hundreds of subsequent reads!, but after reading episode 0, I don't feel as pessimistic anymore, but hopeful and elated. So it turns out that both Kyosuke's and Itou's destiny has been intertwined for longer than we thought, as if it was fated for them to meet and from that moment they have felt (independently) attracted to each other. The first time I finished this story, I was bawling my eyes out thinking it was fucking cruel how Kyousuke lost his memories of Itou, but now I realize that it doesn't matter. The "boss" is no longer a threat, and Kyousekey's and Itou's emotional connection is still there at the subconscious level, and will always be there. It is only a matter of time for Kyousekey to recuperate his memory; and even if he doesn't, again, it doesn't matter, because he's going to fall in love with Itou again, over and over and over; it's inevitable for the two of them to gravitate towards each other. So at this point I'm happy with the ending. Because of episode 0, instead of interpreting this as sad or melancholic, I now view it as a sign of hope, the promise of a new beginning, their shot at the happy ever after they deserve so much...shit, now I'm crying cause I feel happy at that thought...fuck, there's no escaping the feels on this one! (/TДT)/

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