"There's no way that the existence of Yoon Taemin to me can be explained with such a simple word" ... Can I fucking die now? have I ever heard anything as remotely romantic as that simple statement? can anything else encompass and convey that type of transcendental love? it's like, dude, neither God nor man has created the words to express what you mean to me...ahahgjahahhgjajha!!!!!!! I'ts 6:08 AM right now, what an amazing way to start my day!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ ヾ(☆▽☆) ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

So for a long time I have been upset with Siwoon/Woo-jin for many reasons, but little by little he has won me over; however, we then get this:
How can I not appreciate the raw love and tenderness conveyed by this? I forgive him, I forgive him everything!! LOL... the Mahnwaga did an awesome job here; being able to convey with just this one look the immense love Siwoon feels for his Taemin. The overwhelming happiness he must be feeling then, that he can actually have that moment, to have his beloved returned to him after he thought he had lost him for ever. Words just cannot describe... ヾ(☆▽☆)
I'm not sure I understand all this hate directed at Hanjun; besides that fit of jealousy with the cellphone, he hasn't done anything that would merit such vitriol. Also, I see a lot the term "fuck buddy" being used as an apologetic rationalization for Jaeha's apathetic behavior towards Hanjun, but this is not the typical "sex friends" situation where two people met in a bar and occasionally have sex, this is implicitly more than that; they are childhood friends, Hanjun seems to have been Jaeha's first man, they've been having sex since high school, which would make it an almost 20 years old (long term) friendship and "sex relationship", which unequivocally implies the investment of some feelings if not love; but, there is no way that Jaeha is not aware that Hanjun is in love with him. They may not have had a conventional relationship, but based on their friendship and nature and length of it, Jaeha does owe Hanjun an explanation, that is the ethical, the right thing to do. After 20 years, Hanjun deserves a clean breakup, instead of having a carrot dangled in front of him.
I would argue that Jaeha has proven to be a self-centered individual that has no compunction in using both Hanjun and Eunho to satisfy his base desires. Even though it is very likely that he has been in love with Eunho since the very beginning, he refuses to face/accept his feelings and in doing so, he keeps Eunho in a state of anxiety and uncertainty, and by not being straightforward with Hanjun, he's giving him mixed signals. It is obvious that Jaeha is not breaking up with Hanjun because he wants to leave that door open just in case things don't work out with Eunho, or most probably because he has no intention of having a long term serious relationship with Eunho, because right now he's just "testing the waters". However you see it, both Eunho and Hanjun are being used by Jaeha; what a dishonest and unlikable character, the hot sex notwithstanding.
There really isn't much hate here. Most of the comments are people saying they like him or feel sorry for him.
I guess this is a matter of perception as it is what I've picked up throughout the threads since this manga was first uploaded. And I maintain that there's a lot of negativity directed at Hanjun and/or his relationship with Jaeha downplayed to justify Jaeha's apathy; the last 4 sympathetic threads or so notwithstanding.
You totally explained my "problem" with this character! Up until now, I really don't get Jaeha. He seems to "float" around, being led into relationships when pushed into, receiving but barely giving anything back. I keep hoping for a change of attitude at each new chapter - mainly bc of Eunho, now -, and perhaps an explanation to why he's turned out like this. He's getting on my nerves though...! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
Actually there's more hate for Jaeha than Hanjun. But with Hanjun, people's problem with him is what he does in his jealousy. Picking up calls during sex then deleting the call,
Hanjun is a mature man. He did not want to do anything even when he had feelings so now being possessive simply because Jaeha has interests in someone else is petty at best. Hanjun has acknowledged that Jaeha does not see him anything else but a warm body to fuck. Look at the way he says 'you call me when you're lonely'. He knows his place, so to start something now is totally petty. If you want a clean break, then ask for it. Jaeha has made their relationship clear, has never once promised something beyond sex. Hanjun is not entitled for a clean break when Jaeha has made it clear that he feels nothing for him. It's Hanjun's own prerogative to give himself that closure, not Jaeha. And if Jaeha does not give it to him when Hanjun asks, then it's Jaeha's fault. But for now, Hanjun is a grown man, he knows that their r/s is built on sex and loneliness. You can say that after 20 years(we don't know if they had sex or contact for this whole 20 years), there should be some investment of some feelings but that's simply not true. Actually after 20 years, he should only be more certain where he stands. IE, the fact that he sees Eunho as a threat also preludes to the fact that he knows that Jaeha does not have any feelings for him and how easy it would be for him to be with Eunho if Jaeha lets go of his doubts. He knows all this.
Hanjun has himself provided Jaeha the ease of a sexual r/s for Jaeha. He does not ask him to remove the ring, does not care if Jaeha only calls him for sex or when he's lonely. Hanjun has set a stage where feelings don't matter and Jaeha accepts it because that means sex with Hanjun does not come with any complication. If there were investments of feelings, Jaeha would have probably left (look at the way he dd not want to accept Eunho). It's more logical to say, that their sexual r/s only continued because there were no feelings involved to complicate things. Meaning if Hanjun felt that he was not being cared for enough, he would have ignored Jaeha for awhile and that makes it more difficult for Jaeha to have sex. And thus Jaeha would have probably went for someone else that does not give him that much trouble. The fact that Hanjun doesn't, is why Jaeha and his sexual r/s continued for so long.
Butting in to act like a 'nice' guy when it's mainly because of his jealousy. Since he could not affect Jaeha, he's now going to try to affect Eunho. I'm really glad Jaeha points out his hypocrisy.
Look at the end. He knows his place. It's quite presumptuous for him to act like he deserves a clean break when he clearly knows where he stands.
Jaeha's reaction to it is the part that made me start to like him. He knows what Hanjun is doing, we could have more chapters and chapters of Jaeha being uncomfortable about what he's doing but he knows that Hanjun is trying to rile him up by acting like Hanjun doesn't know what's happening. Even Hanjun knows his bluff false flat on his face.
I will have to disagree on the fact that both Hanjun and Eunho are in love with Jeaha whom is stringing both of them along, it is Jaeha whom holds the power in this three way relationship; therefore, it is his responsibility to define what each person means to him and/or make a clean break with either Hanjun or Eunho, but he's not doing that. Of course both Hanjun and Eunho can give Jaeha an ultimatum or at least demand for him to define their relationship at any time, but they won't do that because they are the ones with the invested emotions and they don't want to push Jaeha, because he's the one in control. They will take whatever crumbs Jaeha gives them; they both have the losing end of the stick because they are vulnerable to their feelings. Since Jaeha holds the power, or emotional advantage in the relationships, it is up to him to end with one of them or continue with both of them. Also, even though I agree that Jaeha is not in love with Hanjun, it is illogical to interpret that he feels absolutely nothing for him, considering everything I had already stated in my initial post. But, irrespective of Jaeha's lack of romantic feelings towards Hanjun, there is a 20 year old friendship involved (this is no stranger he met at a bar for casual sex), plus he knows that Hanjun does have romantic feelings towards him, therefore, it is his responsibility to put an end to their relationship.
I guess that it all comes down to what type of ethics one has and ours seem to be on polar opposites. It is clear to me that if I have held sexual relations with a childhood friend for a long period of time (irrespective if it was an on-off relationship) and I started a new relationship with someone else, I would consider it my ethical responsibility to let the person know it's over; unless, I wanted to let that door open just in case, which would effectively be an act of selfishness.