Pfft! ...Eventhough there's dark subject matter in the plot that is supposed to be emotionally provoking, for me, the execution is a complete fail. In order for dark drama to be effective, the plot has to have complex characters and the narrative has to have meaning, and both are missing here. There's a disconnect between Makoto's childhood trauma and his obsession with the uke, which makes his "villainy" come of as cartoonish; and the uke is one dimensional and pathetically dishonest. Both characters are so unlikable and boring that there's no room for empathy here.

I get the feeling the Yakuza is going to fall in love with Kangji and will end up being emotionally hurt, because it's highly likely that Kanji and Jungkwon will end up together. It would be wonderful if the story deviated from the typical yaoi formula, and have the Yakuza and Kangji end up together instead.
Walking through a door into a dark room to immediately fall in the deep....no freaking warning or time to prepare before being gutted