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Darwinist's topics ( All 58 )

Darwinist May 21, 2021 3:14 am

I hope they go in to find him, and he is just casually swinging the pickax and mining like it's the most normal thing for an actor to do...

Darwinist September 20, 2018 4:05 am

They really did only post the real chapter on MangaDex... I have heard of them before, they are suppose to be like Batoto where the translators all post them on the same platform, but if the author or something doesn't like it, they will pull them. Making them legal compared to most site such as this one (I'm so guilty of reading here). And I don't mind Batoto... but this is ridiculous and petty. Drop the stick and grab a carrot, seriously.

Darwinist's questions ( All 2 )

Darwinist April 20, 2019 2:08 am

This world seems infested with plastic. What are methods to go garbage free? Is it possible? What if the solution is worse than the problem? How do we fix this?

    Imveryawkward April 20, 2019 4:34 am

    Kill everything??

    copy&paste April 20, 2019 4:45 am
    Kill everything?? Imveryawkward

    good idea

    Chunta April 20, 2019 5:08 am


    Something April 20, 2019 7:13 am
    Recycle Chunta

    Some locations only take a certain type of plastics and glasses, so not everything is recyclable. The biosphere is still contaminated by garbage.

    The majority of people aren’t rich enough to buy or make a waste-free house either.

    Chunta April 20, 2019 7:19 am
    Some locations only take a certain type of plastics and glasses, so not everything is recyclable. The biosphere is still contaminated by garbage.The majority of people aren’t rich enough to buy or make a wast... Something

    Oh yeah I know, it’s to the point where people individually can’t save the problem with trash in oceans/anywhere else. I feel like big companies need to step up and start using biodegradable products or make their products out of recycled plastic
    But huge companies don’t care.
    I know microplastics are slowly getting into our food as well,, we’re screwed

    AnhTran April 20, 2019 7:29 am

    I'm also interested in reducing my wastes. I just took an environmental science class, and it's actually quite sad and serious.You should go on youtube and look up videos on sustainability and zero waste. Here is a video to get started:


    Hope this help :)

    Darwinist April 22, 2019 4:12 am

    Most people seem apathetic about how much plastic they use (especially corporations). I think it's because they either believe it's a hoax, don't understand how bad it is, or for the older generations they don't care because "[they] won't be alive to see it". Which means we need to have conversations to find where our values intersect. eg. the future for our children and grandchildren. What we don't do now will fall directly on their shoulders. The problem is the apathetic people aren't joining in the conversation, so how do we go about drawing them in? Perhaps everyone who cares needs to go to the apathetic people in their lives. And each person convinced by the facts would be 1 less person preventing us from reaching sustainability.

Darwinist November 13, 2018 2:08 am

If your school or place of work got a grant of a million dollars and you were in charge of how it gets used. What improvements and changes would you make?

    7DeadlySins November 13, 2018 2:23 am

    Use it to fund free tutoring or get a program going for it, building maintnance, supplies for depeartments that really need it. The art's departments: music, art, theater,etc. are often over looked. Put the rest back for a rainy day if any is left over.

    yasuha November 13, 2018 6:52 pm

    Last year our house won a competition (which was held between all the houses from our company) and won 2000€.
    With this, our boss rented a therapist for 3 weeks, who could do massage, osteopathy and acupuncture. She got a room in our house and every employee could make a appointment there and get treated for free. And that hour was still considered as work time.
    Seriously, that was the best idea ever our boss had. We all were very grateful for that.

    So, something like that? Something to make the employees feeling better.
    Every employer would benefit from that. If the employees are feeling good and appreciated, they are healthier, more motivated, more loyal.

    Darwinist November 15, 2018 4:28 am
    Last year our house won a competition (which was held between all the houses from our company) and won 2000€.With this, our boss rented a therapist for 3 weeks, who could do massage, osteopathy and acupunctur... yasuha

    That is such a forward and thoughtful idea. And you are right happy and healthy employees are the best kind of staff.

Darwinist's favorite ( All 7 )

5 Question for fujoshis from a gay guy 01-06 03:14
5 Question for fujoshis from a gay guy 01-06 03:11
Highschool advice? 12-12 02:57
Really worth it 01-08 05:24
Kind of 01-08 05:22

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I grew up on a farm way out in the boonies. I had little to no access to a computer until I received one upon graduating. I got internet at home about 6 months later and I discover anime about 3 months after that. Since then I have moved on into subbed anime, manga and then light novels. It has been two years since I discovered anime, and it has consumed much of my life.

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