I really hate seme but ı cant take uke either you are 30 years old are you child wtf who can put himself in this situation when seme threating him like that he should at least can say something like do you remember do you remember what remember he is fucking asshole how can he remember ヽ(`Д´)ノ
Sibel is a girl name in our country when they say his name ı cant help but laugh its not even unisex its girl name sşxmsğdmsğdke author choosing names according to their own taste not like is it have any meaning or so its hilarious and I want lycan to be with MC btw
This is the stupidest thing that ı ever read it was so dumb now ı having headache dşdsldşsösş but it seems like the she is in a game and I think they are trying to make she love her dad and probably mom there will be really sad story behind back soooo ı will read even so ┗( T﹏T )┛
İn the novel is describe Dion feelings as a trauma siblings like when he says its better you cry he means that ı want to see you as a human Just for staying alive he throw away all his human insticts so he want to se a real human around him even if its hate towards him
Were you the one lay it sşxmağdmağdmwğdmwpen