haven't read this, probably wont, is this just fetishising wlw relationships and romanticising incest ?
Oh okay tyy
They don't have the same mother, it's her stepfather's daughter. Idk why is this even a problem here, haven't y'all watched citrus?
they haven't even talk to each other properly (ب_ب)
Oh pfft my bad
id say your right, family isn't just blood, step sisters or not theyre still sisters
Yes, they're still sisters, That's what I said when I'm currently reading citrus and that's what I'm supposed to say here, but it's just not a problems for me anymore. Have y'all read this manga before commenting? For now They just want to get along as sisters, it doesn't even looked like they want each other romantically...yet¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯
I disagree to that…. I have a step sister and there’s no way I’m calling her my sister at all so at the end of the day that’s not her sister and they don’t share the same blood and they never met each other when they was babies
i commented bc i haven't read it...that was kinda the point and its in the yuri section so its obvious they're going to have a romantic relationship at some point
okay that's fine its your opinion and im just going to read it
i finally decided to read the manga its currently 5 am and im crying