Mangago News Written by: Mangago Staff TOC: |S1| Yuri Cult |S2| Unexpected Bans and Changes |S3| Racist Story |S4| Mangago Admin Imposter |S5| Benjamin Alex Allegations |S6| Unpopular Opinions |S7| all the little things |S8| Art Gallery |S9| MOTW |S10| Mangago Shutting down |S11| Conclusion Hello readers and to anyone new co......
1. People who decide that no one can critisize or say anything bad about "their" manga, as if the comments are only there for good opinions instead of all opinions, including negative. They have the audacity to say that. 2. When people understandably point out how bad rape is glorified, then some people are like "GtFo, YoU sHoULd'Ve rEaD ThE TaGs......
This manhwa can be summed up by one thing and one thing only: sex. A plot that hinges on sex and is driven by a guy who’s upset that he *can’t* have sex with the main douchbag of the manhwa. Na-Kyum is an infamous painter, known for his detailed paintings of... sodomy. Seungho, a noble who enjoys orgies more than anyone should, decides he wan......
agree on most of them yeah also the tea recipe one was a bit boring so I dropped that, on the other hand some good isekai stories ヾ(☆▽☆) SHE'S MY LOVE MY LIFE MY EVERYTHING
Ya'll are so triggered, who hurt you all (I know who but...) Anyways have some nice BLs to cheer yourself up (This is in no particular order just what popped in my mind first): 1. Sign 2. Ore no kirai na senpai (all the ones from that author they're just so great also the art is just chef's kiss) 3. Seven days (shounen ai) 4. Hana Series - Sweet, H......
It's gross, a child does not understand what it means to consent. Fiction or not, it's still making it easier for actual p*adophiles because it's a lot faster and simpler to get a hold of while finding actual cp requires you to go into the dark web. People think it's edgy to draw that type of shit but in reality they're just making themselves look ......
I got some recs. Here! :) . Theyre either mangas about lgbt (gay) as the main topic, or mangas that has gay characters.
This is all us Lesbians want