All my replies will be to this one: Shows/ films (its a mix a sexual and none sexual btw) Shows: #1 I Told the Sunset About You: Amazing coming of age between two friends. #2 Happy together: About more than gayness. It really shows the loneliness and despair in relationships. The director is one of the BEST in the world (imo). #3 Moonl...... these r the only ones that comes to mind atm, most r good ......
Here's some of my recommendation of manga with less than 100 ratings: Poppoya Love Letter River's Edge ^^has a movie, available on Netflix Witches Himizu ^^Ha......
I'd recommend you read all of this. Take my advice. If mangago isn't up, go to mangadex. If mangadex isn't up like it wasn't for the past few weeks, go to If isn't up, go on some low-tier manga site like mangakakalot or mangapark or zinmanga. They're shitty and usually have porn ads, but they're all you can settle for. ......
I mean, let's be honest here. Even if fujos aren't by definition "fetishizing", and that's a BIG "if" (there's more than enough just on this site to make the case that they are), they are 1000% objectifying, and there's still a billion and one other issues that seriously need to be addressed besides that. Like the fact that y'all seem to think tha......
I'll go read some funny, dumb & cute stuff without too much tension or drama. --Here's some from my personal 'Depression Be Gone' list:
It's pretty rare for me to actually get emotional when watching/reading something. So when it does, I remember the sucker. In any case, here's to anyone that needs some extra depression today. Anime/Shows: - Clannad: After Story, Hourou Musuko, One Piece's Marineford Arc, When Marnie was There, Colorful, Your Lie In April, Grave Of The Fireflies. ......
This is my time to shine! Alright loves listen up!! - Byunghoon & Minseok: - Simon & Connor: - Kiyo & Ino: - Sasano & Koga: - Kyubin & Seungtaek: - Jensen & Niel: - Hakdo & Sangho: - Laurence & Chip: - Eungi & Jeongwoo: - Ryousuke & Ryo: - Hazuki & Naoto: - Kouhei & Taichi: - Yuyang & Li Huan: - Seok-hyun & Jiyeon: - Yohan & Moogyeo......
BJ Alex, a story of two degenerates, one who rubs one out to cam boys every night at 10 P.M. and one who *does* cam shows for other degenerates who can’t get laid, seems to be a favorite of many. Man, am I baffled as to why. From the pointless aggressiveness, to the ridiculous misunderstandings to the by-the-book characters and backstories, this ......
Simply put? Toxic heteronormative culture. Allow me to explain what I mean by that. Basically, it's the same as slut-shaming women IRL. Due to the fact that Fujos tend to project onto bottoms (Duh. They're created for that purpose to begin with, that's why most BLs are filled with that heteronormative cr*p). The top will sleep around or even cheat......
I have a controversial answer. Here's the thing about sexual orientations--you don't get to decide what is valid and what is not valid. Other people's orientations are not up for debate. My sexual orientation is not going to be a topic of discussion because there is nothing to discuss. You made an error with your second question. First of all, if y......
Hello, OP. I've read your question and most of the comments here. I'd like to tell you a little bit of my story. I'm 26 now, and I came out as gay 12 years ago when I was in middle school (before a lot of things changed including marriage equality in the US). Ever since I was a child, I would always fall in love with male characters I saw on TV. ......