Any recs wth a heart fluttering plot...


cry for me acc has like a shit ton more chapters but they havent been translated (ive read them in chinese tho its rlly good)
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/take_care_of_my_housekeeper/ (more like comedy)
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/never_understand/ (long but worth the read)
ヾ(☆▽☆) hope i've been helpful :))

Hatsukoi by kazurai

*kazuki rai
Blood bank
Ogawa chise's works
Lover's doll

Any similar manga(s) to Kiri? http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kiri/
By "Are You Alice?" mangaka. I really enjoyed it but it's too shortt and I kinda want to read something with a similar flow (Bromance highly appreciated too lol)

Anybody know what manga Spicy and Extra Spicy are?

found the second couple/scene:

Looking for this manga that I thought was pretty cool but I forgot the title.
Basically it was about this entity that landed on Earth which could take the form of anything on Earth. If I recall correctly it took the form of a rock at first, then a dead wolf in the snow. He went to the wolf's owner's (a boy) igloo and met his family who were moving. After that he was alone with the boy who eventually died while trying to find his family. This entity that took the form of the boy.
If I'm not wrong, its' whole purpose is to take the form of a stronger being each time.
Well if you know do help, thanks!

maybe this one http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/to_you_the_immortal/

It went smth like this I think:
Basically a very young kid has been giving mouth jobs and stuff to people who would pay him and the kid got arrested. The police always had his eye on this kid and somehow this time after he arrested the kid, they ended up living together (I think because the kid had no family and was too young). The kid thought the policeman was very kind and even went as far as to give him a blowjob voluntarily but the policeman rejected and said smth like kids shouldn't have to do this? Then I forgot what happened.
I thought it was a HijiGin dj or smth on myreadingmanga.info but I can't find it again... It may have been a normal manga or a dj from Snk, Gintama, Hetalia or DRRR (those are the only djs I read.)
Help if you can, thanks (=・ω・=)

Guys, how do you create an album? I never wanted to create one but suddenly do. Ofc, I have no idea how haha. Tell me if you know thanks.

On mobile:
I recommend knowing what manga pages you want to add because it would get tediously annoying.
1. Find manga page
2.) around the upper right hand corner there should be three horizontal lines on top of each other, tap it.
4.) hit "old version"
5.) at the bottom of the page, now, directly below the manga page to the left , should be a button "add to album". You can also create an album.
6.) once done, and if you like the new version/Mobile more, scroll up to top of the page in the middle and hit "New Version".
Sorry this is long but really hope this applies to the device you are using!!
Idk whether I dreamt it but it was really late at night and I swore one of the comments on a webtoon I revisited stated smth like "glad they they made one of the characters asexual" but I'm not sure?? I have no memory of what it was. I THINK it was webtoon but I could be wrong.
If anybody knows of a webtoon/manga where a character has recently been admitted as asexual let me know! :3 Thanks.