omg this cunt is so delusional someone pls slap her until she gets rid of all that delusion
im assuming he kissed seo in in school so youngwoon can see and distance himself from seo in ... the brother hated seo in and wanted no one to give seo in happiness i think
bro why is he so fucking adorably a HUGE (tits) loser..
why does only the brown hair guy feel authentic to me
when is the uke going to deny the slut allegations and defend himself bruh.
BRUH FUCK THIS SHIT why does he have to suffer again
i dont think they shld kill themselves they can try make it work and those who say they shld die its a lil odd cs there r real ppl who have gone through worse and r doing much better
i know alot of people dont like this story but i dont understand why they keep coming back to read it like why do u choose to suffer (⊙…⊙ )
this might be the ONLY poly relationship i ever support