First of all it was very uncomfortable because he was raped countless of times, “character development” wouldn’t have really fixed anything, but if they were going to end up together anyways it would have been nice. I feel bad for taking crap about someone’s work, but they didn’t really have any chemistry, and the ending was just so rushed in the last few panels it was just like “I like you” and bam ending. I’m all for a quick loving ending, but like I said there wasn’t much chemistry, but also it left so many questions. Like this dudes life was just absolutely destroyed, there isn’t much coming back from this after being involved with that corrupt man, and a video of him rape-ing someone was posted, like he’s for sure not going to get a pat on the back from society.
This story is one of my personal favorites since it depicts relationships in a realistic way, and I’m scared for season 2 because from the art posted on Twitter it seems as if they will continue the love triangle, which seems completely unnecessary.
what's the author's Twitter?
It’s @tmddus_1894
I agree I think the author should leave the story as is it ended nicely and depicted relationships in a real way it was refreshing