If Bluepool ends up liking Bella, I'm going to die. But I could totally see that happening. She has blue hair and blue eyes. I can totally see him liking that. Plus, we need to do something with him, and I don't particularly see him becoming one of Bai's mates. He has a long way to go before he's on par with Curtis and Parker. Winston and Muir are both way more badass than Bluepool too. It's kinda like, psshh, get in line fish boy.
I do want to give him credit for being willing to get exiled from his tribe for her sake... but he wasn't willing to do so without the promise of getting to mate with her. So he loses points for that. I think I even like Alva better than him.

until it got to the end and just threw all it's wonderful pacing out the window. The ending was way too sudden. Dylan's proposal was pretty weak (I've read way better ones in other Harlequin manga) and he didn't even address the things that her brother told him she would have been worried about.
I still liked it, but the ending was poorly executed.

Dude, Curtis, he's a king, and you literally live in his castle. Stop hissing at Winston. I'm so sick of Winston getting the short end of the stick from the other two (Bai at least tries to be considerate). He's been so helpful and supportive and he's never once asked for anything in return. Stop being a dick to him Curtis! Parker seems to be down with cooperating with him at least. That's one of the great things about Parker (people hate on him too much); He's the opposite of lazy. He doesn't make a fuss about doing the work, whatever it is. Something needs to be done? 'Kay, he's on it. He may not be the smartest, or the most mature. He's technically the weakest of the three. But he's been growing as a character and he has a lot of good traits as well. I really don't think Parker gets enough credit.
None of which is to say that I like Parker best, or that I don't like Curtis.

I've read up to chapter 30 so far, and frankly, I really hate In-hun. Like, so much. I think I actually hate him more than Seungho. Na-Kyum is a pitiful soggy marshmallow, and I feel so bad for him. It's not like his situation is his fault. It bothers me how blindly he worships In-hun, but it makes my blood boil the way In-hun takes advantage of it. He clearly knows how Na-kyum feels (I mean he must. how could he not) and he uses those feelings to make a tool out of that boy. He doesn't care how terrible of a situation Na-kyum is in--for his sake--and encourages him to stay in a dangerous situation just so he can continue to use him. I really hate that guy.

Seriously, where are the babies? They've been unaccounted for for several chapters now. And no one is even saying anything about it. Did the author just forget to mention them or what?
I don't want to believe that Curtis did something to them. Curtis has done some truly heinous shit, but I don't want to believe that he'd hurt his children. And maybe not because they're his. He's never showed much interest in having kids. But because they're Bai's. I want to believe he wouldn't hurt them because they're Bai's.
Also, did he go into a rage because of WHERE Parker's spousal mark showed up? Or because she had one at all? Because he was the one who first said she could 'reproduce' with Parker after she did with him.
Also, those boys need to suck it up and be more welcoming to Winston. They call on him to look after Bai, but then as soon as they don't need him, they're growling at him to get away from her. Rude! Now that things have gotten more serious, they need to keep him around and start treating him like part of the 'family'.
And the Ape king needs to get what's coming to him. I don't want them to kill him. I want him to suffer at length.

A couple things that might help you better understand.
1.) Curtis was upset by the placement of Parker's mark. He knows that she likes Parker and had no problem with that as long as he was apart of the equation. He thought that her having his babies would make her have more affection for him. She has repeatedly said that she only wants 1 partner so in Curtis's mind Parker took that place while Curtis only forced his mark on her. (Clearly he was wrong)
2.) Speaking of babies... Curtis dropped the babies on the floor but didn't do anything after that. They walked away saying that "Daddy is mean." Snakes don't usually care for their young anyway. So despite their size those babies are quite independent already. Cubs will need a lot more care so I'm sure we're going to see (unfortunately and unfairly) a lot more of the Parker's cubs than our baby snakes. ಥ‿ಥ
3.) This is a very primal instinct driven world. So territory and dominance are a huuuuge part of claiming spaces and "women" because despite the very female driven society and culture, it is only because there are a few of them. Take notice that men are always stronger and in positions of power. For example: when winston brought those 5 women and he saved 1 of them she was immediately offered to him because it is his right. Although it was her right to refuse which is some power but clearly not enough. Also notice, there are no queens technically, there are only strong kings and their women that they do anything for because they get heirs and sex out of it. (This is one of the reasons I still like Curtis more than Parker.)
So Parker and Curtis treating winston the way that they do is wrong to us and our FL because we come from a more "structured and moral" driven world. While they have laid claim to something. If that something takes winston under her wing then they will partially back down but until then they appreciate help when they need it but refuse to share what is theirs.
Hope this helps to clear some things up.

The second story really bothered me. The sensei was awful. In the last chapter he made comments about how he didn't want to force him, and I couldn't help thinking, "You've been forcing him the whole time!!". I honestly think that Ikumi might have some version of Stockholm Syndrome. The sensei was always forcing him into things. And I know consent tends to be blurry in yaoi (or manga in general I guess), but this went past the fairly standard 'resist until you realize it feels good' protests. There were times when Ikumi was actually thinking about how sensei was scaring him.
I wanted Ikumi to end up with Shin and for the sensei to get fired, honestly.

Oh my god. When Soohwa said that they aren't dating, it broke my heart. I didn't expect that. I mean, I can totally understand him being uncertain, and second guessing. But to easily say you aren't dating a man you just had sex with.... people can do that?
Also, Yohan, you silly man. Yes, you like him. It's so obvious.

I love how you say that when prostitute have sex all the time with ppl that aren’t dating them usually just for money lolol.
Read through chapter 293 so far. I'm so stoked to see how Winston and Qing Qing are behaving differently toward each other now! I love the way he's not scared to touch her casually anymore. She seems much more relaxed around him as well, not that she wasn't pretty comfortable already. I'm NOT thrilled about how they finally became mates. I don't really blame Winston for it though. He was out of his mind and hallucinating. I'm confident he'd never have behaved that way if he was in his right mind. It's not Winston's fault. It's just horrible circumstances. But I do wish they had become mates in a more tender way. Oing Oing had been thinking more and more positively of him, and it felt like they were headed that way I've been looking forward to this for ages. I love Winston. He's so good.