Minitinsels created a topic of Brother In Law

Wow… I mean….. they were dating, the mc broke up with him. Then the hyung went for his sister… but he told her, she entered a denial HARD….. idk… everyone is weird here

Minitinsels created a topic of Pearl Boy

I haven’t ready this in so long. I basically ignored all the main story and came back for the side stories. I like the side stories a lot!

Minitinsels created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I just love this. This is my dose of love before bed. Makes me sleep with my heart warm!

Minitinsels created a topic of Love Sick Dog

This was beautiful.

Minitinsels created a topic of Wet Sand

Everything is too nice. I’m waiting for the disaster.

Minitinsels created a topic of Wet Sand

All 3 of them deserve to find happiness, however idk if this happiness is in between them. Jo deserves someone who’s 100% dedicated to his love, TJ and Ian deserve to break this vicious cycle between them and find their happiness without each other. I sincerely think none of them should be one’s endgame, because there’s just too much there. But if I have to choose, Ian and TJ should end up together.

Minitinsels created a topic of Projection

I know they gotta build story up…. But can we get to the sexy time already? Hahahaha I wanna know how this boy is going to turn out being the top!

Minitinsels created a topic of Wet Sand

I hope Jo gets a side story where he finds someone who’ll love him.

Minitinsels created a topic of Wet Sand

This is so toxic……

I love it.

Minitinsels created a topic of Wolf In The House

Im not giggling and rolling around, you are!

Minitinsels created a topic of Jinx

He’s so trash that his first memory is about how they had sex, and say San didn’t have permission to leave. He doesn’t see Dan as a person, he sees Dan as an object he owns. He has so much to make up for, I hope I see some real character development here. And Dan… ugh… he still left Joo saying he wasn’t competent enough, like for real? I expected he would say something like he gave everything he had and that jerk didn’t see it. He still left him with an enormous inferiority complex.
Let’s see what second season holds, bc this first season was very “meh”.

Minitinsels created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

How I love this famileeeehh! I still think it’s weird how they sleep separately tho

Minitinsels created a topic of Jinx

Why is this going in circles? It’s like I’m reading the same
chapters over and over again. There’s no progress, there’s no new things. Why is that dude back? Man…. This one and Jinx man…. So annoying.

Minitinsels created a topic of Jinx
Minitinsels created a topic of Wet Sand

Jo, just walk away. There’s no space for you there, unless you’re happy with scraps. TK and Ian deserve each other. And it’s not me making TJ a bad guy or anything, is just it is what it is.

Minitinsels created a topic of Gig of the Day

I kinda do t like the ML………. He’s shady… he is nice to him, but think horrible things about the MC. The MC man….. he’s all kinds of fucked up in the head. Hope there’s good development for these characters.

Minitinsels created a topic of Yours to Claim

Now, a fluffy real love story with Cain, when?

Minitinsels created a topic of Jinx

This is soooooo frustrating! I want him to lose the match, but I know if he does he’ll blame Dan. I don’t even want to get started on Dan. It’s like this story is stuck in one problem, and the author doesn’t know how to come out of it. Bc every chapter same BS, different lines.