So Dylan and Keith relationship was just purely due to hurt of loving the person they actually love...Dylan hate the fact that he's the reason Lucas being weak. While Keith try hoplessly try to gain attention from Jackson. I hate this type of relationship both of them never considered the other parties' feelings. The reason why Lucas try to find a girlfriend in the first place was because he was ignored and hurt by Dylan who thought his is "protecting" Lucas. When in reality Lucas wanted to reconnect with him. Lucas gave his life literally* to Dylan yet Dylan treat him like that? Ma boy deserve better. Dylan giving me reason to be gay because he like to sleep and had "relationship" with man disgusted me. You can be gay even without need to sleep with anyone you could. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸. Tangina mo Dylan!!
Yes My view maybe conservative and traditional but the communication was sooooo baaaddd. Dylan he's a coward. If he really love Lucas he can just confess his feeling but because his afraid of rejection and made Lucas's safety as a reason he decided to end everything with him before anything started and run away. When Lucas without hesitation gave his life to him at that time and know the consequences are brutal yet he put the risks aside to save someone that's he considered important. How you sleep with other people with this in mind ( ̄∇ ̄"). Tbh this type of story canon is something that never sit right with me. The only thing I can summarised is; person like Dylan is a jerk hahhahah.
That's my 2 cents thank you for read my pointless comment.