Chungi you bastard. You can't accept your feelings towards jiho then you turn the fucking table? Yah sibal (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸. You can't keep you pants up then you blame Jiho for not being gay enough. Jiho being loyal to you clearly he never had other partners besides you. Yet that fucking bastard shamelessly get other partners with Jiho's knowing. Does he even know why some people choose to be closeted? Chungi is the only person jiho can be himself, yet he was betrayed from the beginning. Chungi treated Jiho liked a toy and when he no longer can reach Jiho he gaslighted Jiho (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Well.... love this manhwa. It has a similar vibe as Placebo. Love the ending where Seme finally accepted his "loving uke" self. i literally cried when he was in his thought finally accepted his self by the help of uke. What can I conclude is that this is just an advance version of familiar to lover arch.

Well although the seme's attitude is bad and a jerk as well as an asshole. At least he's not harming uke in other way (except some sexual abuse). Seme's just a horny bastard that doesn't know how to show he's emotions properly towords uke and his possessiveness . He's not practicing open sexual relationships, but stick in monogamous relationship with uke, that's a good sign. But at least give our uke some breathing space ffs, you filthy animal . Hope there's new chapter, the side story is a new beginnings for them to actually have a serious relationship or just the seme learn how to convince his feelings towards uke. Anyway I read worst seme than him I'll say his not that alarming. The uke need to be more intelligent to maneuver his life with his unofficial spoiled husband...

I mean, both of them are dickheads. One have trust issues/anxiety, and another one has no self determination and affirmation. "I'm not gay", then what are you? Have some principle in life. Love is about you accepting each other, not being confused with your sexual desire. Between Kyouichi and Imagase I hate Kyouichi better. I mean he can't keep his pants up. Every time he has doubt he just have sex when possible (not all the time but most of the time), I'm just like wtf. When Imagase had intense angst and anxiety, he just go with the flow instead of letting imagase cool down and asure him. This why his wife can't with him. What he think having sex can give him some sort of affirmation? Does he need to have sex with animal then he can decide who he is? That he actually attracted to human and not animal? I can't with with him r@ping that one of his ex just because he can't move on from the fact that imagase with other man. Imagase at least have some self determination despite having anxiety. But both of them will intoxicate each other eventually. Both of them need to be more mature in relationship and stop seeing and reunite with their exes for the love of god. If they met on the road then left it at that road, no need to have dinner to catch up with them.
I can't believe I wasted my night complaining and try to teach fictional characters how to have a great relationship despite being single. Well...coaches don't play
Still reread it on January 2025. Even after the other manhwa was adopted into live action this manhwa have a special place in my heart