Life of a Magic Academy Mage
What. Is. Up. With. The. Ratings!?
It's a badly written story. It had good potential with the prologue and synopsis, but what's with this bad execution?!
I actually ignored the Korean names in a historical and western genre story, but from the first chapter it's just too lame of a story. They failed to execute it well and it's sooo badly written.
It's too anticlimactic. Too dull. Too plain. Too boring. Why do I keep finding stories like this.... These past few weeks I've been looking into stories that are not as popular as most shounen manhwas because I was hoping to find a golden masterpiece. So far, almost everything's a dud.
One thing I found out these several weeks is that low ratings don't equal to bad stories, just underrated. It just sealed the deal for me that it can happen the other way around.
DO NOT TRUST THE RATINGS, ESPECIALLY THE HIGH RATED ONES. I'm sorry, but it's just that way for me.
I'm out. If you wanna see what I mean and wanna read this, then knock yourselves out. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Taming Master
Okay, there are a lot of things going wrong here and I'll start with, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE STORY?
It had a good start, a good storyline, good lines, but then it's over 50 chapters and everything slowly went downhill like a pile of trash.
The things that were of importance like the evolution of the MC's minions, apart from Lye, they were no longer included in the story. I mean, we see the Griffin as a chick in one chapter and the next he got big all of a sudden. All the other minions were the same. I thought this was a story about taming monsters and yet I no longer see the essence of taming them and the progress of training them.
Also, I have no problem with the romance bit but aren't they doing it too fast? Not just that, they made every scene happen so fast it's like I reading this in fast forward.
I was actually looking forward to the battle of the guilds, especially the second round because the MC went on and say it's gonna be harder than the first round but then--poof! Nothing. No battle, no fights, no nothing. They skipped that arc and just ended it without even telling us the results.
Everything is happening so fast here and the story is losing its quality just a fast.
I think I really liked the story to the part where the MC got the Griffin, but beyond that, the story is like hail Mary.
I'm rather disappointed. It's not worth the ratings if the story is this crappy. It's very painful for me as a reader that something so good, with potential, and that started off really well, fell like this.
I'm out. Not gonna waste more time here otherwise I'll be slandering this story.
Legendary Youngest Son of the Marquis House
By this point, I'm tired of this story. It had a good idea and plot but the author failed to deliver it.
There were a lot of things that happened in a single day I couldn't understand how it only took a day for them to rescue the dragon and make her open up, like, she went through a LOT in that place and it only took her a night to be okay??? So unrealistic (not that this story is realistic in the first place but you get what I mean).
Also, what is up with the author sexualizing our MC?! He's a far cry from his past self that I barely recognized him anymore. They're making him out to be a feminine type of male MC when he was all muscles and manly back then. It's suspicious that they only do it when he's with older guys. OLDER GUYS.
There's something going on here and my intuition as a reader of my experience tells me there's something wrong here and I'm mostly always right.
Also, they're focusing on the wrong things here. When they should be more focused on progressing the story, the MC plays a lot with the guys, acting like a freaking detective and trying to figure out the plans of their enemy's when the ANSWER IS RIGHT IN THEIR FACE! There's no need to go through more than 3 chapters in a single scene, JUST END IT WITH A DRAMATIC AND QUICK CONCLUSION WHERE THEY FIGURED EVERYTHING OUT AND THEN CHANGE THE SCENE!
I, for one, do this, as I used to write stories, where the MCs go on making conspiracy theories that makes the chapters longer, and it's a rookie mistake to do. It's boring and kind of dumb. It's not just the MC here, they even did it to the guild manager and it's frustrating to see because none of the things he thought of even made any sense!
The MC, Jack, is from the future, he knows the events that'll happen and he's also not stupid and slow that he won't figure something out with someone helping him.
My advice is, to not show the readers the character's train of thoughts and draw a scene where they were just thinking in silence, and then BAM! He found the answer! No need to show us the excruciatingly long train of thought that none of us would even understand or even bother to read.
This just did it for me, I'm done and I can't believe I endured over 90 chapters reading this piece of noob trash when the 3D dragon was so sloppy.
Not worth the read and stress, skip this story and find a better one. Or have fun with this junk. Buh bye.
BJ Archmage