Frosche79 February 14, 2025 2:55 pm

I can never not find the comedic bits funny!

I'm going crazy reading this story. I've never read a story so deep and so beautiful in my life. Every arc is an entire story in itself, it's like I'm travelling through different places in a single story and it's gonna break my heart real bad once this story ends.

I've earned an enlightenment about love in reading this story and I can confidently say, that I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY. Unconditionally.

I sometimes exaggerate on my reviews and comments on the stories I've read, but this is one of the few of them where I genuinely believe that this story is a masterpiece. Read it and you'll understand what I mean. Otherwise, you're missing out something so wholesome and beautiful.
I mean, after reading several dud stories in a row for the past several days, this story is sort of a miracle for me.

    apple February 14, 2025 6:43 pm

    Yeah....nothing to add but's good. reallyy good. I agree..
    if youre thinking about reading trust this person and read it
    GOD ITS SO WELL DONE it almost pisses me off lol

    Kaizenix February 17, 2025 5:04 am

    Have you read Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint yet?

    Frosche79 February 18, 2025 5:41 pm
    Have you read Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint yet? Kaizenix

    Who hasn't, yeah?

    I meant that this one was focusing too much on the deeper meaning of everything we take for granted in life so it fascinated me as the author managed to keep the story's flow going with a lot of elements they introduced in the story.

    Most stories get lost in the flow because they keep inserting various elements that are not relevant and the balance gets messed up. The story from then on just doesn't make any sense that it loses its "essence"

    Kaizenix February 18, 2025 6:28 pm
    Who hasn't, yeah? I meant that this one was focusing too much on the deeper meaning of everything we take for granted in life so it fascinated me as the author managed to keep the story's flow going with a lot ... Frosche79

    Ik alat

Frosche79 February 11, 2025 1:05 am

Okay, there are a lot of things going wrong here and I'll start with, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE STORY?

It had a good start, a good storyline, good lines, but then it's over 50 chapters and everything slowly went downhill like a pile of trash.

The things that were of importance like the evolution of the MC's minions, apart from Lye, they were no longer included in the story. I mean, we see the Griffin as a chick in one chapter and the next he got big all of a sudden. All the other minions were the same. I thought this was a story about taming monsters and yet I no longer see the essence of taming them and the progress of training them.

Also, I have no problem with the romance bit but aren't they doing it too fast? Not just that, they made every scene happen so fast it's like I reading this in fast forward.

I was actually looking forward to the battle of the guilds, especially the second round because the MC went on and say it's gonna be harder than the first round but then--poof! Nothing. No battle, no fights, no nothing. They skipped that arc and just ended it without even telling us the results.

Everything is happening so fast here and the story is losing its quality just a fast.

I think I really liked the story to the part where the MC got the Griffin, but beyond that, the story is like hail Mary.

I'm rather disappointed. It's not worth the ratings if the story is this crappy. It's very painful for me as a reader that something so good, with potential, and that started off really well, fell like this.

I'm out. Not gonna waste more time here otherwise I'll be slandering this story.

Frosche79 February 2, 2025 5:44 am

By this point, I'm tired of this story. It had a good idea and plot but the author failed to deliver it.

There were a lot of things that happened in a single day I couldn't understand how it only took a day for them to rescue the dragon and make her open up, like, she went through a LOT in that place and it only took her a night to be okay??? So unrealistic (not that this story is realistic in the first place but you get what I mean).

Also, what is up with the author sexualizing our MC?! He's a far cry from his past self that I barely recognized him anymore. They're making him out to be a feminine type of male MC when he was all muscles and very manly back then. It's suspicious that they only do it when he's with older guys. OLDER GUYS.

There's something going on here and my intuition as a reader of my years of experience is telling me there's something wrong here and I'm usually always right.

Also, they're focusing on the wrong things here. When they should be more focused on progressing the story, the MC plays a lot with the guys, acting like a freaking conspiracy theorist and trying to figure out the plans of their enemy's when the ANSWER IS RIGHT IN THEIR FACE! There's no need to go through more than 3 chapters in a single scene, JUST END IT WITH A DRAMATIC AND QUICK CONCLUSION WHERE THEY FIGURED EVERYTHING OUT AND THEN CHANGE THE SCENE!

I, for one, do this thing, as I used to write stories, where the MCs go on making conspiracy theories that makes the chapters longer and show the readers how smart their characters are, and it's a rookie mistake to do. It's boring and kind of dumb. It's not just the MC here, they even did it to the guild manager and it's frustrating to see because none of the things he thought of even made any sense!

The MC, Jack, is from the future, he knows the events that'll happen and he's also not stupid and slow that he won't figure something out with someone helping him.

My advice is, to not show the readers the character's train of thoughts and draw a scene where they were just thinking in silence, and then BAM! They find the answer! No need to show us the excruciatingly long train of thought that none of us would even understand or even bother to read.

This just did it for me, I'm done and I can't believe I endured over 90 chapters reading this piece of noob trash even with the sloppy 3D dragons.

Not worth the read and stress, skip this story and find a better one. Or have fun with this junk. Buh bye.

Frosche79 January 30, 2025 12:21 am

Like, is that it??? That's the end???!! So uneventful!

The end just got me disappointed, like, why are there no sufficient punishment for the Messiah guild? Esp. that dang blondie who pretends to be hero? I want justice. I want the author to finish the story better and this ain't it!

It's hella disappointing! I didn't know that this was marked as completed until today. TO.DAY. How. In the world. Is this story. Effin' COMPLETE?! Arrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!

This is stressin' me out. I was like HUHH?!

Frosche79 January 19, 2025 8:14 am

It's bad. It's REAL BAD.

I already had an inkling in the first chapter that this wasn't well written and my instincts didn't betray me. The script, the plot, the storyline, they were bad and there were a lot of holes.

It didn't make sense that priests disrespected the duke and outrightly asked him if he was abusing the FL, like, how insensitive can you be?! From what I know, even priests don't have the audacity to speak to a high noble like that.
What's weird too is that the Duke was made out to be a villain. A bad guy who killed anyone, even innocent people to get what he wants, referencing the first timeline where he killed the FL when they took her instead of the "real" saint. But right after he adopted the FL, he acted so timid and gentle like, who the hell are you!?? Acting like a proper person now doesn't change the fact that he killed her for a simple and stupid reason as "they kidnapped the wrong person."

Freaking third-rate psychopath.

Also, what's with the FL hitting people she doesn't know just because they insulted her? I mean, I get it. I have a bad temper too. But the fact is, the FL was portrayed as timid and a pushover, considering how she was treated in the first timeline, but then the author threw her initial personality and gave her a new one as if she just changed her clothes. Stick to your plans, author-nim.

Like, I don't know why I kept reading this. It's bad and in poor taste. Sweeties, I don't recommend wasting your time on this.

The ratings are a shock though. I wonder why people actually gave this a high rating when it was not worth it. I mean, whatever gets you going, man. I'm just an idiot who give these childish stories a chance.

Frosche79 December 14, 2024 5:54 am

Do me a favor and just drop dead. Oh please. You're a pathetic excuse of a man.

Frosche79 October 29, 2024 12:38 am

Read it and it was just alright at first. It's an okay story with the storyline and the visuals.

The only reason I'm quitting this is because of the ridiculous encounters of the MC. Like, how many times are you gonna run into people in the streets that needs medical attention? I mean, it's really ridiculous that it's too far from reality you know. I could take a walk any day outside and I will almost never see someone in need of an emergency. It's like, since the start every incident just falls on the MC's lap.

I could take it at first, considering there's a ghost with the MC teaching him all about medical related things, almost nothing is impossible at this point.

Wrong, a lot of things are wrong in this story. He shouldn't even be allowed in an operating room let alone examine the patients like a doctor. There are protocols for this.

Also, it's weird that everyone is just accepting the fact that he's a genius, and by jolly, is almost everyone in this story hot tempered? They get infuriated if someone else is as good as them and they've got anger issues acting like children.

Can't believe it has high ratings. This is so overrated. Buh-bye now.

Frosche79 October 28, 2024 9:57 am

Thought it was promising until I read more than 2 chapters.

The story fails to get into the details and mostly skips some scenes that it made me wonder if it was an accidental cut. It happened so many times that I grew tired of it. It's like reading a story that has holes when it comes to information and the story just doesn't flow well.

Also, I didn't like that the MC keeps changing his personalities. Like, he gave me the impression of a kind and selfless person at the first few chapters but then he proceeds to get some monologues with all the hidden smirking like a maniac. Plotting some schemes in his mind, like the time when he saves the significant characters in the novel. I'm normally okay with the Main Character being a hypocrite, as they do it just for show but deep down they're kind, but this one just pisses me off because I don't really get his personality.

Also, he gets too meddlesome in the lives of the people around him. I usually like characters who don't care what your background is as long as you're good at your job or that you're a decent person in the time you've been together. This MC keeps pestering one character and then whines that "that" character won't open up. Like, dude. He's entitled to his privacy.

Also, the characters in this story is weird for some reason. They keep changing personalities like a mask. They're looking to be a good and gentle person, to someone who is hard on their parents, like, you got several personalities now??

I'm done man. It's curious how this got high ratings when it doesn't live up to it. It's too boring in contrast to how they advertise it to be. Buh bye.

Frosche79 October 23, 2024 9:53 pm

I really thought it had potential, I mean the concept of the story is good. But man--most of it just does not make sense.

Like, the Ex-husband loved the FL (original body), we know his type of man. Obsessive and possessive where he would literally put his beloved in a cage and cut her legs off just so they could stay with him. He's the type that won't allow it even if his beloved asks to be killed and will force them to stay alive (barely) because of his selfishness.
At least, in my experience of reading, he's that kind of guy.

But this really threw me in a loop. He killed his wife. HE KILLED HIS BELOVED WIFE! I mean, why???!! Just why??!! What's the point??? He doesn't want to see her suffer anymore??? We know for sure he doesn't love his Mistress so why the heck did he kill his Wife when he's not doing it for the Mistress?!! Like---cut the bullsh*t, you idiot. You don't love this Mistress so why make her your next Wife by killing the original one???
It. Doesn't. Freaking. Make. Any. Sense!

Normally, if this were a different kind of guy I would somewhat understand why he would poison the wife so that she'll stop suffering. Mercy killing in a way. But holy mother of crap that's not the kind of guy this one is. He's selfish. Egotistical. Obsessive. Possessive. Manipulative son of a b*tch. I'd be damned if he wasn't any of them and I'd be damned even more if he actually did it in the act of mercy killing.

It also doesn't make any sense that the Prince wanted to confirm the FL's death, like he wanted to see the body and the Ex-husband wouldn't allow it, but it doesn't make sense that he doesn't believe the FL's dead when several people already saw her corpse in the first chapter.

The ratings speak for itself. So disappointed at the story that I forced myself to read through its 17 chapters. Anyways, it's real bad.

    --- November 15, 2024 4:19 am

    I haven't read this manhwa, but your the ex husband in your spoiler sounds like the white haired guy from

    He killed (even beheaded if i remember correctly) he female lead for his own gain, but later it was shown that he actually loves the FL (in possessive obsessive way), in that manhwa i think somehow he was the one who arranged for FL's soul to reincarnate in another body so he didn't mind to kill the original's body (because he knows the soul will reincarnate somewhere)

    He also didn't have any idea which body FL reincarnated to, so he doesn't recognize FL's new body for a long time lol

    The ex-husband in this manhwa is probably in similar situation

    tikitiki January 2, 2025 6:59 pm

    Mannnnn I don't think he loved the FL either. I think he's probably just a mad man obsessed with beautiful things or something like that. (I'm guessing he has something to do with the dissappearing women they mentioned) And with Adrienne withering away he killed her before she became too "ugly" from her sickness. That's my guess anyways. As for the prince he's just in denial but also it seems he is like a detective and the grand duchess is such a high position it is definitely possible for someone to fake her corpse or something like that. I think the prince really just wants to see if there was any foul play involved tbh. Like if she died from her sickness or if she was poisoned (which she was so he's right to investigate) plus I think that during the mourning period the body is supposed to be on display because she might a) be in a coma. Or b) had been poisoned. Signs of poisoning only show up on bodies days to weeks after death. But I do agree that the story telling is shit and this all could have been conveyed way better

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