I'm crying. Idk but this shit triggers me. I'm having a blue day ha... I wonder when will it end
I feel connected to the teacher she's a complete messed up. Although I'm a not a complete psycho. It happens that she don't know what she been doing to her life. Her abyss total messed up. I might end up like her I didn't manage to control my emotions. Those feelings she felt ik.. people hate it those kind of person ruining life but yeah. I want to live now I want to end it
Sorry but I mean. In my side. I want a mother and son figure. I ship edmond and her majesty most. I just don't uh... I just don't know or Idk I feel weird if the two I mean her majesty and that kid become lovers once the kid turn 18+ something... It's just... A no for me (⊙…⊙ )