I can't even right now with his fucking "friend", the reason he has trust issues is because of his parents and that bitch, Seyeong probably has never felt loved growing up and that built up his distrust in other people. I understand why he feels that way and it's really sad. I hope Seyeong slowly opens up to Haejee and believes him because I think their chemistry would blossom (I can actually imagine that).

If someone AKA a friend and crush of mine were ever to call me "average" and straight up give signs that I've been getting ignored, and their other friends also talks behind my back WITH ME KNOWING???? I'd quit shit, move schools and I'd stop liking and being friends with them, I know I'm delusional with myself (since I also call myself beautiful... on some occasions) but being called "average" is like an insult (for me) .
Gurlie is being fed with WORDS and "compliments". Those shit cant even be called compliments anymore since naho's being gaslit into really thinking that kana could sugarcoat everything to make naho forget all the insults kana and his friends said, I would call kana a
I think he's letting him sleep so much cause he wont get any on jeju island