The duke is a terrible father, favoring one child over the other but don't worry he will have his time in the future.

He does get embarrassed, but during the time the story is set getting embarrassed for such a big mistake made by a person such as him is huge enough for him to loose his face.
From what i remember after all went down, the duke and his wife doesn't go out much and just sits at home wallowing in their wrong decisions.
I think an aftermath like that is the most fitting for them than dying or anything.
According to the novel her face is injured so much that they couldn't identify her. She didn't have much money so she got only the basic necessities and ate potatoes. She was actually found not like in this story were she walks out without any injury to the gaurds.
These chapters doesn't give justice to the internal turmoil faced by Edith regarding everything and the decisions she will make in the future.
I agree I was like wait her face is unharmed! It’s been sugarcoated