Criminal Interview
Been reading this for so long and I only updated this tpday ahays
Salad Days (Tang LiuZang) Webtoon
Their love is so pure
Raising a child and falling in love
All this manga with baby on them are way too cuteeee.
A Lucky Coin
Spend here instead of studying my report for tomorrows. Dear Doggo and Hanks, please help me survive my reports
Here U Are
Sharing dis for future reference
Goodness, I don't know what to say anymore.
12/12/24 I can't remember how often I have reread this master piece but everytime I did, I know I always felt so warm and happy. Their relationship is always something I look up to even up until these days. Anyway, I am happy since I was able to reread again after a long time of reviewing for board exam. During this time, I'm still waiting for the result and pray that it will be a favorable one. I want to be CPA. I hope I can be one before this year end. Inshaallah
Whose Baby is it?
Rated 101% cause this is SUPERB!
Heaven Official's Blessing