Did the mother also got possessed? She may be kind now but it still doesn't change the fact that she abused and let the original mc commit suicide.

He is so delusional but in a good way! I'm g.ad he isn't like that one dude from Netkama Punch!

This manwha is inspiring me to cyberbully my idol!!!!ヾ(o˃‿˂o)シ

Catnip addict created a topic of Butterfly Trap

Mf literally fainted amd yet he still kept thrusting??

Catnip addict created a topic of Look-Alike Daughter

Oh.. that was her mother's backstory? Damn doomed yuri
Did Somi ever loved that guy? I hope not ://

Catnip addict created a topic of Litchi Hikari Club

The most normal creature here.. is probably the robot. All of them are abnormals.

Catnip addict created a topic of Heat Protectant

I HATE HATE HATEeeee how the top omega is much more larger than the bottom alpha.. Author should have made the omega skinny This ain't the proper way to create an top omega x bottom alpha story!


I understand why Iris forgive Pray so easily. Like, imagine a pretty dude w an angelic beauty crying and begging for your forgiveness? I'll get wet on the spot immediately!

He IS a demon! He IS more powerful than them! USE YOUR POWERS U DAMN TURD!!

Already dropped at chapter 2
Wdym you aren't gonna marry the crown prince again??? Stop with that bullshit

Catnip addict created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Some babies should have been aborted and does not deserve to experience life.

Catnip addict created a topic of Our Sunny Days


Not reading this, slime's org form should have been a petite small twink! Not some... basic emo dude :///

Catnip addict created a topic of My duke is Not Dead

Lock Elle and Claive in a closet and one of them will come out pregnant