It might me being oblivious to subtle hints or something but I'm completely lost on the story so far, I don't understand why his phone was confiscated, or what was going on like chapter 9 onward. Just seems the translation seems jumbled in places to me and I can't quite get a grasp on what's going on so help would be appreciated on this one

I've read on different sites and seen the cover of volume 3 and seen it on sale on ebay. Is there any chance that this cute AF manga that was risen from the dead will get a english translated volume 3 (I am dying to know what happens -__-)

Yes, another volume was released in 2015. Sadly, no scanlation groups have release an english version of it yet.

Do you happen to know where we can read the raws?

This series in its entirety is more sweet than an entire splenda plantation, At this rate im gonna lose my left foot to diabetus but won't ever abandon this ship.

I don't know this manga , but your post made me laugh out loud.Please keep your left foot. You will need it hahahah.

In all seriousness, this couples aggressively adorable tactics should be considered against the geneva conventions. I literally almost didn't survive because my heart just couldn't even handle it. (I heavily recommend it though if not for the couple the parents that come later, those two are literally da best wingmen ever)
Is it bad that I am only reading this because when I read the description any time I saw the name "Hyuk" I read it in goofies voice inside my head?