2021-02-09 05:45 marked

Like, this is basically the same premise with a misunderstanding tho in this case Kei somehow thought the president was bad mouthing him and confused the voices he heard from the student council room. That's fair, that can actually happen to people sure. But he never TOLD the president that's why he hated him. And president just keeps trying to rape him cuz he "always loved him" like bruh u have a funny way of showing it.
And Kei himself is too wishy-washy constantly going from happy to despair over random comments or slights from the president. President denying his relationship (dunno why since it's definitely an open secret)? KEI IS SAD. President says "i love you" again like he's been doin like a broken record? KEI IS HAPPY. And then sad. And then happy.
And then somehow the whole manga does this weird switch where he has to take a plane to a dessert area and risk gettin shot like bruh what is even happening. And ofc it cuts to Kei giving a random presentation at a meeting he shouldn't be allowed into and then a luxury cruise ship with the president cuz why not. It's like the mangaka didn't know what else to do.
And the twins, as well, being mean, saying they can't help president cuz the chairman will kill him, but then saying "we'll help u anyway" like bruh. Like does the president know it's the twins' fault Kei even ran away from the school to begin with?
Younger Kei was a hella lot more of an interesting character too since he was more cheerful, cute, and frankly oblivious to the president's innuendo and feelings. Though that weird flashback of the president calling his butt a peach and his dick a banana was REALLY WEIRD.
Like idk man potential to make this more interesting was there but uh ya that got weird really fast.
2020-11-27 19:04 marked