18 Unlimited
I will never forget what happened at 246 chapter. I wish I was her at that moment *crying*
I Will Surrender the Position as Empress
Go Away Romeo
What a detestable man he is!! Romeo!
There Is No Place for Fakes
Ch.1 has a good start and opening in that you are glued as to what happened, a perfect way to make the readers question and be curious.
Btw I love how the book was the one that got transmigrated!
Edit: ch. 5; this is just my opinion because I just could not help myself and just want to say that about Nasar saying that he does not feel comfortable with the treatment she is giving him, I mean of course what else is he expecting?! Things change that's it. I hate how most characters I have encountered like this always think and feel like that?! Wonder what they are expecting?
Edit: 6 - what the fuck? Why do you always expect her to call you father after you always nickname her "that thing" fuck I would not even last I would rather leave and not even acknowledge you like how you see "that thing"
Edit: ch 20 was heartbreaking. I tear up a bit because of her hardship as being philomel especially when she was young. She was just nine years old and to hear something tragic. Seeing the emperor make such a face. Guess he is eating his words.
Edit: 21, oh the emperor is eating his words without knowing seeing his state now.
Edit: 25; even the biological father is shitty than the emperor. Gawd I'll take Phil and will fucking raise her!!! I will love her like my daughter altho we our age is close but fuck it all ill do anything to protect her from all those bastardiiii!
Edit: I hate everyone well except the countess and the man who was always with the emperor that guy I think is a count anyway everyone else I hate them. She just wants acknowledgment and affection to feel as tho she is deserving to be alive. Why? Why is that always so hard to achieve? What more do they want? What more does she needs to do?.
I Mistook the Hidden Identity of the Sub Male Lead