Aagh im crying ji-yul i know it aint your fault for losing that memory but come on!!! What de fek!!! How could you just left juno where he is!! And how dare you forget about him! Im sorry im jusy sad its not that i hate you but kinda is i still love you but come one please remember him!! Please remember how much you love him! I can feel junos heart shattering to pieces.
I wasnt hopeful on cain because so many fam said its yahwi thats going to be the male lead but now i dont care anymore if this is how he is going to treat jooin then fuck him suck mah cock you big fatass peace of shit this isnt funny yahwi!! Jooin gave you another chance and you made him a bad guy? Atleast cain is willing to shout your name jooin infront of many people. Im team cain from now on Goshdarn it!
Pssshhh~ do u really need to ask that huehuehuehue