I knew it Jin was not human. I had my suspicion when he saw chiwoo fighting in their cafe they work at. Its very suspicious how his memories was never erase unlike other people unless he isnt one. But him being close to chiwoo i know its genuine because he lied to the blue thingy and say he is giving up even if he isnt human he has a heart that got broke.. baby itll be alright (/TДT)/
I wasnt hopeful on cain because so many fam said its yahwi thats going to be the male lead but now i dont care anymore if this is how he is going to treat jooin then fuck him suck mah cock you big fatass peace of shit this isnt funny yahwi!! Jooin gave you another chance and you made him a bad guy? Atleast cain is willing to shout your name jooin infront of many people. Im team cain from now on Goshdarn it!