The current scan team is run by very vile people. Please do not support them and please support the author when 'Dear Door" becomes officially licensed in English.

The current uploaders of 'Dear Door" are dangerous people and should not be supported. I am hoping this post will be seen as there are people supporting and donating to this scanlation team without knowing the horrible atrocities they have committed.
Please take a second to read this PowerPoint about them: https://1drv.ms/p/s!Aq447AyEtm-SjH7fPHk821E_O2yy?e=GEdbrz
If you cannot access the link through PowerPoint, please view it through this Imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/bATMMiZ

omggg love you, you had courage for this. a scan friend mentioned to me about this post and i had to read it. you did great! i had an argument with them not too long ago about their donations and it was a pointless argument but you brought together all these facts that just show this scans identity. ahahaha

Here is an Imgur link someone provided if they cannot access the PowerPoint: https://imgur.com/a/bATMMiZ
I am a firm believer in Kangwoo Supremacy.