Some of these people are some of the most disgusting ruthless people I've seen, and for what? Pictures and words? You do know that there is an actual person uploading and doing this for us right? People who send threats, slurs, bully and harass others for this are disgusting and I hope you change your ways before it bites you in the ass. Getting all butthurt for someone over-uploading is so childish good lord

I know a couple of people worked on it, but who is the current scan team working on it? Does it take take long because of the limited chapters that get released in Japan? Is it because of the lack of Japanese translators or raws? I'm not trying to be mean im just wondering what makes it difficult to upload and why it takes a long time for new chapters for insight. (I've been reading since middle school so I'm just wondering)

tbh i'm not too sure who's doing it now. the last scan team, space corps scans, disbanded because members were inactive/left and i've been seeing this a lot lately with scans teams that work on older works. they said whoever wants to can pick it up and i know the group doing junjou romantica is ONLY doing junjou so they won't pick this up. also i think since this series is licensed, groups are less likely to pick it up and tbh the licensed releases aren't too far behind. the english just recently released vol 14 last month while japan just released vol 16 back on may 1st. hopefully someone picks this up but who knows...

Maaaaan, I get so sided for my baby Soo Young, I like Park but he's so sus, even with the uncle shit aside (I think his uncle deserves death for being a POS) I know he also has other shit on him that I want them to elaborate more on. Min Hyuk is cool but obviously fucking crazy and abusive so I'm genuinely not rooting for him with Soo young but I wanna know what he plans to do with him

It's sad how people care more about fake characters and drawings than a real person's own emotions and life. It's selfish and greedy to keep uploading this. The author is a real human being who is already struggling with income, if you don't already know, Lezhin income isn't a lot, and a lot of artists and authors struggle making money as lezhin takes majority of it (there are articles and lawsuits against the pay wage lezhin gives) and illegally continuing to upload is causing just as much loss of income. Please consider the feelings of the author and respect their wishes.
Source incase I get asked: https://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.asp?newsIdx=243498

Before anyone comes for me, I do pay for chapters, even if I'm on mangago, that doesn't mean in the end I still support the author even with buying merchandise and chapters using FREE COINS. There are MANY ways to get them even if you don't have an income and a lot of people are giving advice on how to make free coins to support the author.

Its really sad. Cos i once checked if the price in korea and in international were the same. And after converting (in live in europe) 40 coins are ~8 something€= 13ish chapters. In Korea you have 60coins for 7,44€ = 20 chaps. With all the international readers Lezhin has becos all the good bl stuff are on there, the author should profit from it. At least it won’t annoy me cos the reason i read on legal sites is to encourage them on their works. But knowing that lezhin in scamming them it’s frustrating

No offense to the translator but it's a bit hard to understand especially with English not being my native language, can someone explain what happened a bit better?

The bottom still likes the top even tho they are not meant to be together, so the bottom decided to swop seats because he doesnt want to be close to the top, but he was crying
Then the other dude is lying about being 2nd in the grade, obviously trying to get close to the bottom
And the bottom being the bottom, when the other dude asks to go have a drink with him after school he agrees
Also the bottom has to buy his own food from now on because he isn't with the top anymore
I was WAITING for this shit to happen, goddamn finally the food we have been waiting for