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Just caught up with the raws and from the looks of it. Lee gets hella revenge on the guy who’s been imprisoning him in the bedroom with the chastity stuff. Basically Lee gets enough proof and escapes the room, then reveals to the entire public all the footage of what was done to him and who it was done by. Then because of all the exposing, a different group of people (I’m going to assume loan shark people?? Or people hired as hitmen??) capture Lee and beat him up and lastly stab him, until he’s assumed to be dead. And that’s where the last chapter of the raws stopped.

DISCLAIMER!! I know zero Korean and all of this spoiler was based on my speculation and interpretation of the panels the author drew. I cannot confirm nor deny whether Lee is dead, since the manwha doesn’t indicate any official proof that he did die (I.e. burial, heart monitor scene) BUT he was definitely beaten up hella bad and stabbed once, for the symbolic notion for us readers to think that Lee is now dead (He was not raped here, thankfully, but I don’t know if this one act of no rape gave him justice with everything he’s been through). I’m still holding out hope that the author let’s Lee live and that we’re just supposed to THINK that he’s dead. BUT you might be better off assuming the worst. However, I can say that I’m 99% sure that Lee DOES get revenge on the guy who’s been raping him for these past chapters in the bedroom.