Stealer97#2 created a topic of Payback

I don’t think my brain was braining while I was reading this latest chapter (78). Like I read the words, but didn’t comprehend them lol (probably because I couldn’t translate the script’s dialogue he was reading from into easy-brain words??) Can someone please baby-it-down for me so that my mental can understand what exactly the script was saying. I feel like I missed something very important because I couldn’t quite capture the reason as to why he was crying, but like I want to cry with him. PLEASE HELP AND EXPLAIN

Stealer97#2 created a topic of Zero Day Attack

I can’t wait for when our seme reveals that he’s been talking with Lrot as three different people

Stealer97#2 created a topic of Zero Day Attack

Somebody PLEAAAAASE CORRECT ME if I’m wrong cause I’m just as confused as some of y’all are, BUT I’m pretty sure our seme is Black (the black hooded internet figure on the server that Lrot logs into on certain days) as well as VX (the guy who Lrot worked under). Ssssoooo basically our seme is interacting with Lrot(uke) with THREE WHOLE DIFFERENT IDENTITIES *surprised Pikachu face*

Our seme’s identities are Potential Boyfriend, Black, and VX.

So what I’m understanding is that Lrot was trying to hack and destroy the corrupt company C waaaaayyy back when he was still working with VX and the group. However, while Lrot was trying to get information in Company C, he got his information from an unknown broker. This unknown broker gave Lrot information on Company C, BUT the broker also gave Company C information on Lrot. In turn, while Lrot was trying to get rid of Company C, Company C was also trying to get rid of Lrot with the fire incident. The fire incident forced Lrot to go undercover and hide because he was in a dangerous position. That’s why Lrot left the group and VX along with it. Lrot was going into hiding. Flash to present, Lrot is working on his IP Address/location erasing program to protect VX as well as find the broker who backstabbed him. VX, our seme, finds out Lrot’s identity and wants to know why he left the group. However, he can’t approach Lrot in person and make Lrot admit that he is indeed LROT. Sssoooooo VX goes online and meets Lrot as “Black” (the hooded black figure on the web). This is so that VX can ask Lrot questions without making himself known as VX. Cause we all know Lrot would run away again if he knew he was talking with VX. SO! VX asks why Lrot left using his other persona: “Black.” As time goes on VX learns more about the real reason as to why Lrot left: It was because of the backstabbing broker who Lrot talked to when he was dealing with corrupt Company C. All this to say, VX is trying to work with Lrot as the internet persona Black, to get revenge on the information broker and get Lrot to return back to the team. And the bonus would be having Lrot become his boyfriend as well

Hoped this helped clear some confusion. Comment with more information if you can explain more

Stealer97#2 created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

Y’all, all I’m saying is I just hope the bad guys get defeated and Yuji and Megumi end up on top. Alive and together. I have given up on getting attached to any character because I see them dead 10 chapters later. MY HEART CAN’T TAKE ALL THIS

Gojo death review:
Bro I can’t with the plot right now At the beginning of Gojo’s death-reveal chapter, where it starts off with a flashback-esque scene of him and Nanami and everyone who has basically died at this point (which I could really believe will literally be everyone very soon), as I clicked through the pages, I could already feel something was up. I waited literall minutes, actually debating whether to just turn off my phone and stop reading then and there because I just couldn’t with the story if Gojo died. But then it showed his sausaged body and I almost lost all hope in the plot. LIKE WHERE DO YOU GO FROM THERE??!!!??!!! The entire Shibuya arc was for everyone to survive and save whoever they could, until the Trump Card GOJO SATORU was finally released!!!! BUT NOW HE’S DEAD????!!!! He was literally the strongest soceror…… who’s gonna beat all the bad guys now????

I do have a prediction tho I predict that Yuji and is going to confront Sukuna and somehow Megumi is gonna come back and then they’ll get Kenjaku’s *ss. I don’t really believe in the main-character-gets-new-overpowered-strength-because-of-losing-friend in Yuji in the future of this specific manga because JJK seems to take a more pragmatic approach in its world-building sssoooooo I have no clue how my prediction will happen.

TBH I also predict Kenjaku is gonna possess someone else. Like the last page of this chapter literally sets up the next release to either have Yuuta get taken over or my mans the comedian.

Stealer97#2 asked a question

I wasn’t really a fan of omega verse to begin with, however, there are a few that I think are good. Other than those few, I’ve been avoiding this manga universe. BUT WITH DOM/SUB UNIVERSE, I cannooooooootttt. It’s just too much for me. I can’t stand the r-pe that most stories lead to. I’m sure there are some good dom/sub universe mangas out there, but this is one manga universe I will be steering clear from for a while. If you know any good ones for me to try and look at, reply if you want. I’ll be sure to check them out. What’s y’all’s favorite trope and/or manga universe?

Stealer97#2 asked a question
Stealer97#2 created a topic of Zero Day Attack

“He knoooowwsss *dun dun* He knooowwsss *dun dun* He knooowwss

Stealer97#2 asked a question

I just finished reading Missing Love including the most recent raws, and for starters I don’t know how to feel lol I feel bad for Lee Geom but for some reason I have hope that he’s gonna break free??

My question: does anyone know the name of the song that’s always being played with Lee Geom is with Wooyeon? It’s for sure in chapter 16 and I think also in chapter 36. I’ve searched so hard but can’t find it

Stealer97#2 created a topic of Missing Love

But in all seriousness, can I just say how much admiration I have for Lee Geom. The Manwha was correct in its phrasing that “suffering isn’t a reason for pity. It’s a reason for respect. Respect for their strength to endure it, and as a result, the admiration for [that] person is only growing stronger.”(chapter 32) In other words, suffering isn’t a reason to pity someone. It is a reason to respect them. And due to that respect, your/our admiration of that suffering person only grows bigger as their strength in enduring and enduring and enduring whatever is it is they’re going through is finally being recognized, and seen for what it’s worth.

With respect to Lee Geom, he’s been suffering for a long, long time. 8 years and counting (not even including the attempted rape of his stepfather), however, through this suffering and endurance of whatever life had kept throwing his way: rape, violence, humiliation, etc., Lee kept going. He kept suffering and enduring, and that strength in it of itself is something to respect and admire. He’s been through literal hell, and is still traversing through its firey flames. His strength to endure and make something out of the situation he was forced into is something I respect and admire about Lee. All his hard work, all his physical abuse, all his emotional abuse, all his humiliation and mental abuse, all his silent suffering and enduring, and all his meticulous preparation, is finally coming to fruition. It’s feels so satisfying to see all his suffering somewhat relieved with all this revenge that is about to be laid out. I don’t think there will ever be a revenge great enough to satisfy all the experiences he’s been forcibly put through, but
seeing his plan go through successfully (for now *fingers crossed*) and result in some type of revenge, feels veeeeerrry satisfying. And my admiration for Lee only continues to grow. I hope no one in this world has to go through this, but with the way the world is now and possibly even back then, I can’t say for sure that no one is experiencing this level of pain, anguish, and suffering. I wish y’all the best of reading and a good day.

Stealer97#2 created a topic of Missing Love

Don’t view if you don’t like spoilers

Just caught up with the raws and from the looks of it. Lee gets hella revenge on the guy who’s been imprisoning him in the bedroom with the chastity stuff. Basically Lee gets enough proof and escapes the room, then reveals to the entire public all the footage of what was done to him and who it was done by. Then because of all the exposing, a different group of people (I’m going to assume loan shark people?? Or people hired as hitmen??) capture Lee and beat him up and lastly stab him, until he’s assumed to be dead. And that’s where the last chapter of the raws stopped.

DISCLAIMER!! I know zero Korean and all of this spoiler was based on my speculation and interpretation of the panels the author drew. I cannot confirm nor deny whether Lee is dead, since the manwha doesn’t indicate any official proof that he did die (I.e. burial, heart monitor scene) BUT he was definitely beaten up hella bad and stabbed once, for the symbolic notion for us readers to think that Lee is now dead (He was not raped here, thankfully, but I don’t know if this one act of no rape gave him justice with everything he’s been through). I’m still holding out hope that the author let’s Lee live and that we’re just supposed to THINK that he’s dead. BUT you might be better off assuming the worst. However, I can say that I’m 99% sure that Lee DOES get revenge on the guy who’s been raping him for these past chapters in the bedroom.

Stealer97#2 asked a question

Anyone else have major procrastination paralysis?