Omygoodness y’all
I stumbled across Ai No Kusabi again from when I had seen it several years ago, and y’all know I had to rewatch the original AND the remake. As it was in the past, it’s such a banger, chef’s kiss. BUT GOODNESS ME, I’M GOING FERAL ABOUT THE REMAKE! I know they had to stop the remake’s production after the 4th episode in 2010, and since the Internet is saying there was no confirmation saying that the production of the show was cancelled, my poor, optimistic heart keeps thinking that maybe…….someday…… some year…., the studio or someone different will pick it back up and finish it CAUSE HOOOOLLLLYYYYY the remake is so good and I just want it to be fiiiinnniiisshhhheeddddd, so I can watch it in it’s entirety
***DISCLAIMER!! I am not %100 sure about the entire situation. This is all that I’ve seen and speculated from. Feel free to comment any corrections for future readers.
Okay to sum up what I think is happening from what I’ve read in comments, on Twitter, and on the blog post:
Eunhi (the author of Childhood Friend Complex) is suing Tirano (the author of All About Lust) for allegedly having plagiarized certain panels and the story/scene-pacing of the said panels. I don’t exactly know if this is true, but apparently one of Eunhi’s friends/helpers pointed out some similarities between her work and that of Tirano’s but instead of thinking of it as coincidence or inspiration, she decided to take legal action against Tirano and is possibly suing them for plagiarism. (<— again, I am not quite sure if this part is fact yet or I’m just a part of the grapevine and possibly misconstruing fiction as fact.) I did take a look at what was posted, and I’m not choosing a side on this issue, but I can see why some people believe she didn’t plagiarize as well as why some people believe she did.
I think what the main problem people are talking about is why she decided to sue, instead of take it as coincidence for why both stories seem similar. The main and only piece of story that I know of that people are pointing out and making comparisons between is CFC’s Chapter 11 and cover-art and AAL’s corresponding scene and cover-art.
That’s all I know about the issue. I have read AAL, and I have read CFC and I like the art and plot of both stories. I hope the issue gets sorted out and that both authors come to an agreement without too much backlash from each other’s fans.
Nah I heard it's this manhwas author that plagiarized the other person's work
Nah you didn't get it
Eunhi Suing the original work is crazyyyy .
The other person released the manhwa b4 this author did, tf is u on?
I was talking to the OP sweetie :) they think the het artist is the original one which is ridiculous cuz the BL she coped from was released like 10 years ago
After watching the author get dog piled and review bombed I just wanna say this If you actually read the chapter (chapter 11) where the cherry picked the out of context panels for comparison they're nothing alike.....if you were to read both chapters and write a detailed description of what's going on in each scene you would not have the same descriptions and outcomes I guarantee tht .........u can cherry pick scenes from and other manhwa n find some similarities it's a heavy reach the story. Overall Plot, character personalities, development etc are nothing alike and the covers have no similarities outside of some of them having similar monocolor schemes?? Again If u had to give a detailed description of them you would NOT come out with the same descriptions......also You can't own a color scheme and even then they don't use the same colors....the composition, posing, etc are all so jarringly different... the entire thing is a REACH and it's baffling how no one has taken the time to examine these half assed accusations and "proof" with a critical lens...like they look nothing alike ?? ppl are so quick to jump on the bandwagon and majority of them haven't even read CFC n they're just review bombing it and calling it a stupid hetero romance as an insult ?? Mob mentality really is dangerous n it's gotten to the point where I actually feel bad for eunhi.. these are serious accusations tht can ruin this person's livelihood and career so I completely understand why she would have block tirano and threaten malicious commenters with a lawsuit..... I just look at these comments here n on twitter n webtoon?? It's a clown show ?? Half of the people commenting have never even heard of CFC but are quick to join in.....
The biggest piece of "proof" they have are the chapter covers and again they all look nothing alike if you were to sit down and describe each image separately after looking at them with no context you would not come out with the same descriptions...again outside of some of the arts having monocolor themes I'm not seeing the similarities. One of the covers one lead from each series is wearing a hoodie and Thts about where the similarities start n end, they have different poses, color schemes, And different hoodies n yet it was enough for ppl to say it's plagiarism. It's getting out of hand. It feels as though ppl just saw a picsart chart comparison and automatically let their brains be tricked into seeing similarities tht either aren't there or r minuscule.
I've seen the panels n other so called proof I've seen them all ! Again they look nothing alike from composition to angles, poses, etc... there r several examples in the cherry picked panels tht dont even line up to any degree so much so they're showcasing two completely different actions! Like just read the actual chapters...
Plagiarism is a serious accusation similarities are now grounds to spread tht malicious accusation.... ?? Those isekai villainess manhwas and novels also share the same premise, story beats, themes, and back stories...should we all start calling those manhwa n novel authors plagiarists now too??
Using Tirano's blog talking about how she FEELS like there's plagiarism isn't proof in itself ? Someone can feel wrong n THINK their ideas were used etc but tht doesn't mean it's factually true.... Tirano didn't even provide actual proof or examples of wht she herself believed to be copied from her...all of this is speculation....yall took eunhi (allegedly) denying or not apologizing to tirano for the accusations as proof of her guilt rather than proof of her innocence... if someone accused you of something this nasty would u apologize even though u know you didn't do it ? Would u not want to block them from then on ?
I should also mention again Tirano never ever mentioned who she's was accusing by name! A Korean twitter user took it upon themselves to do some "detective work" n found a series on webtoon with a similar premise and Thts how this all came to be. So all in all eunhi might not even be the person Tirano is accusing..tirano sed in her statement the person she accused unfollowed and blocked her but eunhi still follows tirano on twitter....but it's too late even if it's not eunhi....
Edit: I've already explained tht the plots r different, the pacing, the direction, etc and how the panels n covers have different compositions, angles, poses, contents etc but can we talk about how this discussion is so lacking in common sense n even nuance? I don't think u guys understand why plagiarism is at this point....we are setting a dangerous precedent for manhwa authors n their works...smut manhwa often and almost always feature the same exact sex positions with the same angles n more. Even the deepening tongue kiss close up has become a staple in smut manhwa are we now going to start calling those author plagiarists?? Or how about the villianess n transmigration genre ?? Almost all of those stories either becoming a child, having daddy issues/family issues, a fl dying in the modern world n being transported into a novel or game etc etc . Those stories have followed a certain formula and often have the same story beats, themes, contents, and pacing y not start calling those authors plagiarists too ?? Those the artstyles for cfc r n aal r very different ppl r now still accusing cfc author of plagiarism in tht regard too but wht about 0lkyou (shutline) their still looks so much like JAXX...should they be called a plagiarist too? Or how about eej and baek sang eon's new work "gale of God" their styles r super similar now too...r u gonna call Baek a plagiarist??
Again pls be mindful of wht plagiarism really is and how this will go one to impact future works and authors.
Tirano never ever mentioned who she's was accusing by name! A Korean twitter user took it upon themselves to do some "detective work" n found a series on webtoon with a similar premise and Thts how this all came to be. Eunhi never sed she was suing tirano she sed she was threatening to sue anyone spreading those malicious rumors n as it stands its twitter users........So all in all eunhi might not even be the person Tirano is accusing..tirano sed in her statement the person she accused unfollowed and blocked her but eunhi still follows tirano on
Well dang, I was completely wrong about everything
Not you defending the plagiarist
R u slow ?? Was my post not clear enough ? She's not a plagiarist and I've explained why I don't believe she is....the evidence is weak and ridiculous especially when it's coming from some random twitter who's only critia for search for the alleged plagiarist was "het on webtoon".....get a grip
nah defending plagiarism is wild ( ̄へ ̄)
So u r slow. Cool just say tht