Can someone explain to me how yiyi got rourou and how did big head came Im so lost and about the auntie who stole jinyao sperm? I forgit can someone explain to me

Yiyi went abroad and donated his sperm so he could get a child. Someone volunteered to bear his sperm and so rourou was born. But the sperm wasn't yiyi's but feng's. He swapped the egg. The auntie stole the egg thinking it was feng's but actually it's yiyi's. There :D Feng us jinyao btw I'm just too lazy to type

basically, the Feng switched Yiyi's fertilized fetus with his resulting in Yiyi raising the Feng's baby. The Feng did this to hide his baby from his family. But Feng had the hospital keep Yiyi's fertilized fetus, and the auntie stole the fetus thinking it was the Fengs, because she wants power over the family buisness. So, Yiyi's biological baby has been frozen at the hospital for all these years, until the auntie stole him.
Tanginang tite yan ang laki
Oo nga ang laki king ina buti kinaya nang uke