The story caught me.
I don't know if I could say the characters are somewhat likeable, but at somepoint you are able to understand their point of view, almost a little...
They are definitely relatable.
I think it was stupid of both of them to allow the affair, because it seems they didn't talk or thought about it very much.
Eventhough they established some rules, I believe they didn't deepen the implications it may have.
At the end, I find them relatable because I can empathize with each of them: the cheaters and the ones being cheated on. But I also can see they lack in some aspects of their married lives that have driven them to the positions they are now.
It is sad, but it entertains me (us).
Si pueden leer español, busquen KNF YD Fusión. Los últimos capítulos son una re-traducción de estos, pero tienen errores con respecto a la traducción original.
Gracias por el dato
de hecho, a penas vi el "estremecer" me salí a buscar la traducción en español jfgfjlk