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ren March 19, 2025 6:52 pm

A whole chapter with nothing but trashes being disgusting smh

ren March 16, 2025 3:44 am

Fl's family istg #-.-).

Good on Rachel for smacking the nonsense out of that abusive, trash brother. And if the author's trying to make Isabelle cute and adorable, IT'S NOT WORKING FOR ME. Dad seems ok at first, but you have to wonder abt his parenting skills with the way all his kids turned out. You also have to wonder that NO ONE seems to realize that fl is not ogRachel, or at least question it. That's how isolated and ostracized ogRachel must've been.

    Ruby March 16, 2025 12:13 pm

    Seriously though, your son literally smacked the senses out of her knowing how strong he is. Even if she hadn’t swung back, the father would have dismissed it. How could you possibly that there is any level of trust when you actively allowed EVERYONE including the servants to neglect and disrespect her????

    And the smallest admits to knowingly eating something she shouldn’t. I get that she’s a child but that’s borderline a dangerous savior complex situation. It’s doing more harm than anything even if unintentional. #-.-)

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