This is kind of philosophical but maybe the translation didn't clearly convey all the meaning of their discussion. Well, I mostly understood what she is anyway. I liked it.
So then the black magician is being framed? They plan to blame him for opening then door? And since he was also at the last incident, and also friendly with Dio, it looks even worse for him?
I'm wondering if this god bringing her "goodwill" gifts to her bed also wants to be carried by Rikka. Since there seems to be no limit to how many they can have.
The Hakkenshi have been repeating this cycle endlessly and they're not succeeding. So Shino needs to break the cycle and try something else. Doesn't make him a bad guy. Just a different angle?
This is kind of philosophical but maybe the translation didn't clearly convey all the meaning of their discussion. Well, I mostly understood what she is anyway. I liked it.