Not gonna lie, it wasn't me cup of tea.
As a BIG fan of 19 Days, I am really grateful this exists and that the Author progressed so much...but this one didn't made me laugh that much, I wasn't into the whole 'ads' concept, and how to say this? It was...too...wholesome(?) for me, I guess Haha
A bit more on the heart-warming side than the gag one.
The Author Art was as beautiful as ever, the writing was well done, and most of the Characters have a lot of potential and are likeable.
We can see and feel how much the Author grew through this work, and it truly made it interesting.
I won't reread this one, but will definitively follow the Updates.
I wasn't as into it as 19 Days and other works of the same nature that really did it for me, but it was a very chill read, and I think it definetely has it's public ^^

Fooled once again by a Tragedy Tag... *Sigh*
It wasn't tragic, far from it. Just...a pure...ordinary...boring ending, is all.

LOL right? I'm loving you. lol Aeju's newest incarnation of her art shows so much skill in the last chapters. Ian's appearance is refined and much prettier. imo I wish the extras hadn't been wasted on the wrong pairing. I would love to have seen her Hondo art develop even more. imagine the detail work. Also the last chapters wasted on a lot of fanservice towards the omegaverse readers who want non-stop scenes with men having babies. Okay, I'm not going to say ... sellout. lol

RAWs + Summary

Here are the Raws: https://www.77mh.net/colist_147562.html

Here are the Raws: https://www.77mh.net/colist_147562.html

Since the Manga continue and end at Chapter 46, here are Vietnamese Scans: https://www.nettruyen.com/truyen-tranh/yuuutsu-na-asa-21829

and here are Chapters Summaries by a kind soul: https://lenievi.tumblr.com/post/146596646437/yna-summaries-index
ENJOY! (●'◡'●)ノ
(But if you have the money for it...DO buy the Volumes and encourage the Mangaka and people who worked on it! https://www.sublimemanga.com/reader/749 ---Links to buy Paperbacks/Digital Version on the right)
Started reading yesterday and liked it a lot, was bummed to not be able to finish...