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JackBlade created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I read the comments and people really trying to act like Taehyuks a predator but he is literally rejecting him because of it.

You have to understand it’s also a hard thing to explain to the dragon why it’s so complicated, the dragons also being pushy, too pushy. Taehyuk is still human with morals but he’s pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place. We can’t look at this story and see black and white, feelings and actions are a lot more complex than that. I think the author is showing it well, most authors would have someone like Taehyuk be like “I know it’s wrong but why is my heart beating so fast ” but no Taehyuk is trying his best to push away but the dragon is pushing forward.
I will gladly defend this further because I hate when people missuse extreme terms for something that’s unrelated or judge a story without reading properly.