Rjhay created a topic of Debut or Die

This is his genuine big smiles in whole seasons hahaha congratulations moon puppy

Rjhay created a topic of Swordmaster

I mean in the first place he is the reason why they end up like that in his first life he is the only one who talk to him and take care for him but he keeps on ignoring him, pushing him away, building a wall between them and so on until they fight as for this lifetime the child was just pressured at that time so yeah they can still fix it.... Hope they can be a good friends in this timeline

Poor flower it can't withstand Su Qi hahahaha he's back!!! I hope the lucky one come back too i want to see if the most unlucky and most lucky can neutralize each other perfectly and effectively hahaha

F*ck it! Let me in and end the life of her sister here she's really gonna ruined everything maythan have achieved so far!!!!

Wait what if the child that they'll having now is the brother of ml? But i think it's not also.... I don't know hahaha

He's ready to capture the two disciple hahaha good luck hot grandpa

Rjhay created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

For some reason I think they could be a good friend? Hahaha

Ohh fishing in the boat is his destination? Hahaha lol after hiking in the mountains next stop is the sea hahaha

Rjhay created a topic of Be the Actor

Are they going to take away his best actor award again just because he is young??? That s*cks!!! Might as well not give them awards you cowards!!!

Rjhay created a topic of Absolute Necromancer

He can't use his summoned but she can use her machines? Wtf?

Rjhay created a topic of Apex Future Martial Arts

He doesn't needed to be a disciple of a saint he's stronger i mean he can surpass them in a few years anyway

When he do the poses every time he win i feel awkward hahaha specially the way he shouted "Sui/Siu!" then yesterday i watching something in YouTube then i saw Rolando doing the same pose and shout so the author is a fan of Rolando

His hyung is 25 years old in this timeline and the mc in his first timeline before regression is 25 also so who is the hottest between the both of them??? Lol

Rjhay created a topic of Gig of the Day

Ahhh he is a happy bright personality in the outside but sad and lonely im the inside... If ever ml broke our mc heart then it's over....

And i like the art specially the young mc... Him and kim dan when they're young are the same cuteness overload even the parents live them when they're young, of course in different ways and occasions.... I hope they find their own happy ending

Rjhay created a topic of Strongest Level 1

He's a pushover period. He can't even make a decision for him self specially about the contact at least make some conditions of yours the dagger is in your hand you have the upper hand. Even if you needed to fight them then fight you can at least killed them by 50/50 with one hit tsk tsk

Rjhay created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

Finally he can talk to them now and the way the rabbits called him uncle and keung calling him dad is so cute and adorable hahaha

Julius might be the last wing? Because he will be reborn or revive in different body of the child or teen....

I'd rather her be sent back to the original world now and leave her brother alone here than her ruining everything her brother have than to make everything he had now. I know it's normal reaction because she's meeting her dream characters in games but for real! This is not a game anymore!!! She's annoying as f*cking dumb duck!!!!

I can't hate eclise because he had a point too if you want him to love you wholeheartedly then you should also love him back not just giving him what he wants and manipulating everything that's why the remaining 1% can be added because eclise new she was using him and not love him. And the original eclise in the book is not like this to begin with but because of mc that's why he changed so much hahaha anyway they're not a match and i think the crown prince is her match cuz she can be her self a little when they together