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あい January 31, 2021 3:42 pm

Im very glad the art has improved! I love that our mc isnt a push over and that what she's doing isnt over the top revenge but rather calculated, I don't really ship her with the prince so I do hope she finds a good ending

    Exastiris February 1, 2021 3:22 am

    I ship her with him but only if he truly loves her and she loves him. And if it doesn't go this way then I hope she helps him find his worth and he becomes a better person.

    Kini February 1, 2021 1:40 pm
    I ship her with him but only if he truly loves her and she loves him. And if it doesn't go this way then I hope she helps him find his worth and he becomes a better person. Exastiris

    Yes me too I ship FL with Him because he was lost in that Past moment of ( infatuated) warmth by Rose. Fingers-crossed for him to be changed in the future

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