It's funny how everybody is just hating and despising the uke like "omg he's such a whore he makes the seme unhappy I don't like him". But guys it's a story, the characters can't be angels all the time because it'd be boring af. And you can't hate someone just because you don't understand them. Sexual addiction is a real issue and some people are really suffering from it. He's being raped and you're just saying he deserves it, it's a totally childish reaction. You say the seme is weak but I think he really loves the uke. I don't think it's weak to do everything for the person you love, it's brave. You have to stop all those clichés about the sweet uke and the manly seme.
It's my favourite manga, I absolutely love reading this, I'm always waiting for the updates, but I feel so sad and empty after reading a chapter and it hurts... I think I have a toxic relationship with this manga
Same here, OMG