wahhhh cheng cheng brain is so sexy that you cant do anything to stop him. (✪ω✪) So now we all know whos the mother and its not ci nian. The mother is Cheng cheng (≧ω≦)/ Wowo confirmed
The 'pants' is so cute. I love how the uke act like so badass and act like scared. The uke is just awesome (⌒▽⌒) and are we weird if we find this cute even killing is involve?(≧∀≦)
Ahhhhh when will the truth come out? about his grandpa! I'm really excited of that scene, when the whole news gonna shocked that ci nian is alive wahhhhh my imagination is getting wild
its nooo, I enjoy your hot seggss but its no no that doing that to your friend. without label (ಥ﹏ಥ)