I know the break is for the author to rest and prepare some chapter in advance but it's been 5 months and I have no memory of what this story is about, like I didn't even remember I had started reading this and the vague af summary doesn't help at all...
While I understand, it is actually incredibly stupid from both of them. Like bro you're about to get officially promoted! Between raffy's dad and sister they could have him discharged and sued his ass...
And when he gets mad about that and try to fight you first, then you can fuck him up!!!
I'm sorry, I'm too rational for this.
Why am I still reading this? There's nothing good about this story so far, the top is trash and the bottom is always terrified so why am I doing this to myself
I've read a couple of stories where they don't end up together at the end but something about this one got me mad. It just looks unfinished. It's fine if they don't get together but I wish they would have shown the top going to therapy to deal with the trauma/ trust issues and to see the bottom going forward with his hobbies or dreams somehow.
Honestly, none of them deserve him. The alpha taped him but imo so did the omega by using the experimental drug. The omega was also awful to the alpha so really, both options are bad. Let him find someone safe somewhere (not that manhwa unwritten law will allow it...)
I wish I didn't finish reading it. I can't believe he forgave him. He should have also told his best friend about the situation. He deserved to know what kind of family he married into. Trash sibling for real
I'm confused about what happened with the boss and yijung at the end. How long was he going to drag that relationship if he hadn't been confronted. Yijung also deserved better
I'm only on chapter 6 but The dragon reminds me of a piercing free gagil from fairy tail
Why is no one ever watching his back. Why is HE turning his back to ppl when he knows they want him gone
Bitch be careful
There's been no new chapters since August 2023. Does anyone have any news on what's going on?
I'm not talking about art style but it's different characters entirely. What's up with that?
After what he had to go through because of his grandfather lie, it just doesn't makes sense to me that he would use the same ruse to make his son leave the house...
Is hwan ya a woman now?