people are allowed to say whatever they want on this story or any type of story. tho i agree with some people with how this is toxic or that they're both pieces of shit. i agree.
like they both suck, only good thing they got going on is the child. just take them away and boom perfect story. and people saying how this is normal for people to act or how relationships act uhhh no. sorry that's like not okay like wtf?? fucking weirdos and i mean like the type of weirdos i couldn't be around unless i have a gun to my fucking head. but this chapter it's pretty much sexual assualt. and if you don't think it's not i would LOVE if you tell me why it's not. i just miss the second couple already
anywhoo thank you for coming to my talk
pulling my hair at this. i'm not okay. i'm in shambles. why would they do my girl like this